"The Portrayal of Grandparents in Young Adult Fiction" by Sherri L. Imoehl

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


This study used content analysis to examine contemporary young adult fiction to see how the grandparent-grandchild relationship was portrayed. The titles were randomly chosen books taken from the American Library Association Best Books for Young Adults annual lists 1990-2000. Simple perceptions of grandparents as older adults who see their grandchildren on special occasions are no longer realistic. There is statistical evidence that many grandparents have a significant effect on the lives of young adults. Grandparents are becoming more active in the family household. Novels read by young adults may not mirror these new changes. Findings revealed that in the majority of the novels examined, grandparents were not main characters in the lives of the young adults. However, findings indicated that an increasing number of young adults are living with their grandparents. The data also showed that of those young adults living with their grandparents, the majority was Caucasian. Findings showed that grandparents are impacting the lives of their young adult grandchildren with influences placed on work ethics, family values, and moral beliefs.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Division of School Library Studies

First Advisor

Barbara Safford


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