Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The plastics industry is the most rapidly expanding industry in the United Stated today. By 1983, the total weight of plastics produced in one year will exceed that of steel/ Since Industrial Arts is a general education curriculum which supposedly include the study of all significant industrial tools, materials, and processes, they study of the plastics industry should definitely be included.

One of the fastest growing segments of the plastics industry is the application of dry plastic powder coatings, such as vinyl, for protection and beautification of metallic objects. This change is prompted in part by the limitations and/or disadvantages of solvent-suspension coatings, which are listed in Table 1.

Most of the solvent-suspension coating disadvantages can be overcome by employing a suitable dry plastic powder coating. The advantages of dry plastic powder coatings are listed in Table 2.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Industrial Arts and Technology


The copyrighted works referenced in this graduate research paper, Rockwell's Properties of Plastic Coatings and Modern Plastics Encyclopedia pg. 39-52, are currently not being made available in electronic format through UNI ScholarWorks.

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