"A review of the financial issues facing child care in the United State" by Carol L. Kringle

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Jerlean Daniel (1990), a member of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Governing Board, and the 1990 chair of NAEYC's Public Policy Committee, offered the following analogy of the child care industry to congress. If you hear nothing else today, please take with you the horror of an industry drowning. We are an industry on the brink of disaster. For years teachers in child care have subsidized the industry with their low wages. They have reached a point where they have nothing left to give but themselves Unfortunately, as evidenced by national turnover rates of 41 percent annually, they are doing just that. The saddest part of this saga is that those trained teachers whom we lose and cannot recruit anew are at the heart of what is quality for young children (p. 23).

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Charles R. May


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Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (56 leaves)



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