Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


There is a great need for teachers to be up-to-date in regard to theory and research in education. The exposure teachers have to new theories and practices enables them to reflect on their present teaching beliefs and methods. However, reports on research show that change in educational philosophies or procedures has not always fared well in the past and as a result new ideas are not always well received (Altwerger, Edelsky, and Flores, 1987). Indeed, change is hard, and educators often hold on to the way things are because of a fear that the change may not be positive. Educators and researchers argue that change can be a positive process and there will always be a need for change because of our ever changing society and the demands made on our educational system (Csikszehtmihalyi and McCormack, 1986; Shanker, 1986). In addition, advocates of change cannot make people do what they want them to do; they can only establish the conditions which encourage certain behaviors (Clark, 1987). Change may occur in education if teachers understand the new theories and views they find in research and are allowed to pursue these theories in their classrooms.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Ned Ratekin


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Date Original


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1 PDF file (37 leaves)



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