Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Sports participation within the total American educational system holds a unique position when compared to the rest of the world: Most countries in the world sponsor sports either completely apart from educational institutions, or else sponsor organized sports that display weak structural alignments with their school so Athletics in America are taught, sponsored, sanctioned, and administered by selected representatives of the American educational system. Sports in American culture, using school as a vehicle, continue to reach all levels of contemporary society. l Interscholastic sports competition for males has long been an integral part of contemporary American educational systems. As such, athletics have been assumed to influence in positive ways the overall socialization of the individual. 2 Athletics, like any other subject area in the school, presumably contribute to the process acquire the and motives are or will by which individuals selectively skills, knowledges, attitudes, values, current in the groups of which they become members.3 In other words, the goal of socialization via athletics is to enable individuals to participate as more or less effective members of groups and society. 4

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of School Administration and Personnel Services

First Advisor

James E. Albrecht


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1 PDF file (42 leaves)



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