"Instructional role of the media specialist" by Patricia S. Adams

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Instructional materials personnel--Practice; Media programs (Education)--Evaluation;


A study was made to investigate the number of elementary school media specialists part1e1pat1n.g 1n the instructional program. Additional problems of the study were to further investigate what instructional tasks were performed and what values were assigned to the instructional tasks in a total media program.

A survey instrument was distributed to one hundred fifteen Iowa elementary school media specialists in April, 1975. The instrument was used to assess the following, (1) if the recipient was an elementary media specialist employed full time in one attendance center; (2) if the recipient participated with the teaching staff in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating of the instructional program; (3) which of fifty-one instructional tasks were performed when participating in the instructional program; and (4) using four criteria (no importance, very little importance, average importance, very great importance) the value assigned the instructional tasks in a media program.

From a return of sixty-five percent, results re­vealed sixty-three percent of the respondents were full time elementary school media specialists in one attendance center. Eighty-seven percent indicated participation in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating of the in­structional program. Seventy-eight percent performed sixty percent or more of the instructional tasks as listed on the survey instrument. Seventy-six percent considered eighty percent or more of the instructional tasks on the instrument of average importance or very great importance,

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Library Science

First Advisor

Elizabeth Martin


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