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Open Access Thesis


Sonatas (Piano); Variations (Piano); Audiocassettes; Academic theses;


The Piano Sonata in C major, L. 104, by Domenico Scarlatti, is perhaps the best known of Scarlatti's sonatas. It is the only one with a recapitulation which mirrors in each possible detail the parts of the exposition. Small though its proportions are (sixty-six measures), this piece nevertheless contains within 1 t all the essential elements of classical sonata form. The opening subject in C major is followed by a second subject in G major, distinct in its rhythmic and melodic contours from the first. The development is constructed of material derived from the first subject presented in different tonalities: C minor, F minor, E-flat major, and C minor, ending on a pedal G followed by a cadenza-like flourish which emphasizes G. After a pause on G, the recapitulation proceeds entirely in the tonic, shortened only by the absence of the transitional measures which previously aided the modulation from tonic to dominant.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Music


School of Music

First Advisor

Ronald W. Johnson

Second Advisor

John A. Holstad

Third Advisor

Joyce Gault


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Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (7 leaves)--Abstract



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Music Commons
