Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Content area reading; Social sciences--Study and teaching;


The purpose of this study was to ascertain the extent to which instructors incorporated reading- and writing-to-learn skills and strategies into the methods courses of secondary social studies preparation programs. A questionnaire was mailed to the instructors of social studies methods courses at the colleges and universities in Region Four of the Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities organization. The questionnaire requested that the respondents indicate the degree of emphasis that they place on 20 different reading- and writing-to-learn strategies. The five response alternatives ranged from the category of unaware (the instructor was unfamiliar with the specified strategy) to the category of model (the instructor informed, instructed, and modeled the specified strategy in their social studies methods courses). Twenty-one replies, a 75% response rate, were used to summarize the findings. Results show that each response alternative was indicated by the respondents by the following average percentages when considering all strategies: (a) unaware--16%, (b) none--20%, (c) inform--23%, (d) instruct--23%, and (e) model--19%. From these indications, it would seem that the students enrolled in the social studies methods courses taught by these respondents are receiving a minimal depth of instruction needed in reading: and writing-to-learn strategies that will sufficiently prepare them to incorporate the strategies in their own classrooms.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Jeannie L. Steele

Second Advisor

Ned H. Ratekin

Third Advisor

Bruce G. Rogers


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1 PDF file (123 leaves)



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