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Open Access Thesis


State College of Iowa--Entrance requirements; State College of Iowa; Entrance requirements (Education);


During recent months much attention has been focused on the crowded conditions of the colleges and universities in Iowa. At the same time, a topic of a more controversial nature has been that of entrance requirements and minimum academic standards. Much of this discussion has been provoked through the denial of admittance to college of those of low academic achievement in high school, and the appearance. of articles and editorials protesting this practice in magazines and newspapers. Inasmuch as the State College of Iowa has had a program of Special Admissions in operation, this writer was led to investigate the possibility of carrying on research which might ultimately give support for the acceptance or rejection of the argument previously described. After discussion with admissions officers, and in the interest of determining whether or not the present admissions criteria are sound, it was decided that the problem was one possessing both need and merit.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Education and Psychology

First Advisor

George Ball

Second Advisor

Merritt Melberg

Third Advisor

Ira M. Silvey


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Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (69 leaves)



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