Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Physical fitness centers--Management;


This study was designed to describe the most important tasks being carried out in the operation of commercial health clubs, and also tasks for which health club managers perceive a deficiency in their preparation. A survey was designed and mailed to all (106) health clubs throughout Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota that were members of the International Physical Fitness Association. Subjects were asked to indicate the degree of emphasis that selected tasks receive within their health clubs, and also their perception of the training they received to perform the tasks. Data collection occurred over approximately an eight week period. The overall response rate was 25%. A large majority of the respondents indicated that the tasks of sales techniques and safe techniques received very high emphasis. Perception of training for these tasks was reported as excellent by 50% and 41.7% of the respondents, respectively. Purchasing equipment was the only task for which a high percentage (41.7%) of the respondents indicated their training was poor. Accordingly, only a small number of the respondents indicated that this task received very high emphasis within their health clubs. Females represented slightly less than two-thirds of the respondents and males represented about one-third of the respondents. The average age of respondents was 29.9 years, with a range from 18 to 61 years. The average number of years experience as a health club manager was slightly less than four, with a range from o to 20. The most frequent salary range was $10,001 to $20,000 and the least frequent salary range was above $40,000. The three most frequently reported types of training were self-taught, an in-house training program, and a bachelor's degree. Only nine degrees were in health-related fields. Two degrees were in business-related fields. Due to the low response rate, additional study of commercial health club management is needed. In order to increase the response rate, research utilizing telephone surveys or personal interviews is suggested. Further study of the educational background of health club managers and also the study of professional preparation programs for commercial health club managers at the university level is recommended.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Jane E. Richards

Second Advisor

Dennis C. Cryer

Third Advisor

Susan J. Koch


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