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Open Access Thesis




The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the one-handed and the two-handed backhand strokes in tennis skill performance of beginning junior high students. Skill in the two backhand strokes was measured by performance on the Revised Breer-Miller Backhand Drive Test with Ball-Boy Modification. Fifty-four female seventh- and eighth-grade students from Malcolm Price Laboratory School were selected as subjects. Each class was randomly assigned to either Group A or Group Band administered the Revised Dyer Backboard Tennis Test used to classify students as beginners. The seventh-grade class was given instruction in the twohanded backhand stroke and the eighth-grade class was given instruction in the one-handed backhand stroke. The classes met every Tuesday and Thursday for 5 weeks of tennis instruction, with a daily instructional period of JO-minutes. One instructor was randomly assigned to subgroup A and the other instructor was randomly assigned to subgroup B within each class. Teaching objectives and instruction plans were identical. The F (1,46) of .33 indicated there was no significant difference between scores of the groups receiving instruction in the one-handed backhand and the groups receiving instruction in the two-handed backhand strokes. An F (1,46) of ,052 indicated there was no significant difference in the performance scores between the groups taught by instructor A and groups taught by instructor B. Further, the F (1,46) of .241 indicated there was no significant difference in scores due to the interaction between the instructor and the two backhand strokes. None of the null hypotheses were rejected since none of the F ratios were significant (p "d.05). Therefore, either the onehanded backhand or the two-handed backhand technique, depending upon the situation and preference of the instructor and/or player, could be an acceptable technique of teaching or learning a backhand stroke in tennis.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Carol Cooper

Second Advisor

Elton E. Green

Third Advisor

David A. Whitsett


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1 PDF file (84 leaves)



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