Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Exercise--Physiological aspects; Oxygen--Physiological transport;


Maximum oxygen consumption is considered to be the best indicator of the aerobic power of the cardiorespiratory system (Patton, Vogel, & Mello, 1982). The direct measure of maximum oxygen consumption requires a well-equipped laboratory, trained personnel, and a high degree of subject motivation and effort. These problems have led to attempts to develop indirect methods for estimating maximal oxygen consumption. The purpose of this study was to validate an indirect method for measuring maximum oxygen consumption. Specifically, the purpose was to validate a one-mile walk test as a measure of maximum oxygen consumption for males aged 16-18 years. Twenty-six male volunteers from Malcolm Price Laboratory School, Cedar Falls, Iowa were utilized. A multi-stage graded exercise test was used to determine maximum oxygen consumption. A one-mile walk was performed on an outdoor track. A Pearson product moment correlation was calculated to determine the correlation between measured maximum oxygen consumption and predicted maximum oxygen consumption utilizing the Kline et al. (1987) equation. In addition a forward step wise regression analysis was done utilizing the weight, height, walk time, heart rate, and sum of skinfolds (tricep, thigh, subscapular) as the predictor variables. It might be suggested from the findings that the one-mile walk is at best a moderate indicator of maximum oxygen consumption, r = .627 and that the variable of weight (r = .717) appears to be the best predictor of maximum oxygen consumption for males aged 16-18 years.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Forrest Dolgener

Second Advisor

N. Kay Covington

Third Advisor

Larry D. Hensley


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