Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Thesis (UNI Access Only)


Oulipo (Association)--Criticism and interpretation; Perec, Georges, 1936-1982--Criticism and interpretation; Calvino, Italo--Criticism and interpretation; Garréta, Anne--Criticism and interpretation;


The discussion is centered around the literary movement known as the Oulipo and its impact on literature since the 1960s. The works of Georges Perec, Italo Calvino, and Anne Garréta are evaluated with a focus on the relationship between language and possibility. The concept of semantics is explored through the lens of the second period Oulipians, a group of writers who placed more emphasis on meaning and interpretation compared to the formal constraints and experimental techniques used by earlier Oulipian members, although formal constraints were still present in the writing of second period Oulipian texts. The unique relationship between author and reader in Oulipian writing is examined, as are the challenges posed by this style of writing and the implications of the resistant reader who does not wish to solve Oulipian puzzles. Finally, I conduct an investigation of political potential as a way to keep the Oulipian movement alive and ever-evolving.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Languages and Literatures

First Advisor

Grant Tracey

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (29 pages)

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