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2C1. The Equity Implemented Partnership: A Research-Practice Collaboration in an Iowa School District

Presentation Type

Breakout Session (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Discrimination in education; School environment;


The Equity Implemented Partnership leverages both the expertise of social science and education policy research at a university, and the practitioner knowledge and expertise found in the District and its schools, to more effectively address persistent inequities in the District. The key focus of the Partnership is student experiences of school climate. The Equity Implemented Partnership uses annual student climate surveys as needs assessments to inform equity programming and policies. Throughout the Partnership, the team has produced three key area policy briefs, convened a task force, collected data from students and teachers, and evaluated equity programming. The Partnership’s goal of achieving equity in student experiences is also aligned with the District’s goals and interest in focusing on student experiences of school climate as a crucial factor impacting student outcomes, and in creating responsible, socially- and civically-competent citizens.

Start Date

7-11-2017 10:20 AM

End Date

7-11-2017 11:20 AM


Speakers: Dr. Sarah Bruch, Director, Social and Education Policy Research Program, University of Iowa Public Policy Center; Kingsley Botchway, Director of Equity and Engagement, Iowa City Community School District

Type: Paper

Strand: Community Engagement & Partnerships

Location: Oak Room, Maucker Union, University of Northern Iowa



Embargo Period


Electronic copy is not available through UNI ScholarWorks.


Nov 7th, 10:20 AM Nov 7th, 11:20 AM

2C1. The Equity Implemented Partnership: A Research-Practice Collaboration in an Iowa School District

The Equity Implemented Partnership leverages both the expertise of social science and education policy research at a university, and the practitioner knowledge and expertise found in the District and its schools, to more effectively address persistent inequities in the District. The key focus of the Partnership is student experiences of school climate. The Equity Implemented Partnership uses annual student climate surveys as needs assessments to inform equity programming and policies. Throughout the Partnership, the team has produced three key area policy briefs, convened a task force, collected data from students and teachers, and evaluated equity programming. The Partnership’s goal of achieving equity in student experiences is also aligned with the District’s goals and interest in focusing on student experiences of school climate as a crucial factor impacting student outcomes, and in creating responsible, socially- and civically-competent citizens.