Complete Schedule

3P1. Personalizing Professional Development

Presentation Type

Breakout Session (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Teachers--Training of--Iowa; Career development;


At the end of year four of the Iowa Competency-based Education (CBE) Collaborative, Collaborative members sought evidence of the impact of our collective experiences on shifts in teacher practices toward a personalized, competency-based system. Simultaneously, newer members of the Collaborative sought to understand initial steps one could take as well as steps taken to continue growth and implementation of CBE practices. These driving factors led a group of Collaborative members to create a CBE Innovation Configuration (IC) Map to show the change in practices that teachers and districts might take as they personalize learning in a competency-based system. Two leaders of the work, Andrea Stewart and Jen Sigrist, will break down the components of the CBE IC Map and discuss how it can be used to guide professional learning in local districts, AEAs, or higher education in ways that mirror the personalized learning environments we want for all learners.

Start Date

7-11-2017 1:10 PM

End Date

7-11-2017 2:10 PM


Speakers: Andrea Stewart, Education Consultant, Mississippi Bend AEA; Jen Sigrist, Director of Personalized Learning and Innovation, Van Meter Community School District

Type: Conversation/Dialogue

Strand: Personalized & Blended Learning

Location: University Room, Maucker Union, University of Northern Iowa



Embargo Period


Electronic copy is not available through UNI ScholarWorks.


Nov 7th, 1:10 PM Nov 7th, 2:10 PM

3P1. Personalizing Professional Development

At the end of year four of the Iowa Competency-based Education (CBE) Collaborative, Collaborative members sought evidence of the impact of our collective experiences on shifts in teacher practices toward a personalized, competency-based system. Simultaneously, newer members of the Collaborative sought to understand initial steps one could take as well as steps taken to continue growth and implementation of CBE practices. These driving factors led a group of Collaborative members to create a CBE Innovation Configuration (IC) Map to show the change in practices that teachers and districts might take as they personalize learning in a competency-based system. Two leaders of the work, Andrea Stewart and Jen Sigrist, will break down the components of the CBE IC Map and discuss how it can be used to guide professional learning in local districts, AEAs, or higher education in ways that mirror the personalized learning environments we want for all learners.