Course Projects
This page gathers Course Projects developed and administered by faculty at the University of Northern Iowa for their courses. There is a wide variety of types of projects from video presentations to books to posters. To see the global reach and impact of UNI students and faculty, go to the collection pages to view the global readership maps.
Chemical Analysis Class Projects
Associate Professor Joshua A. Sebree developed a class project for his upper level undergraduate CHEM 4310 instrumental Analysis class where students analyze various UNI Museum objects. The class was designed as a way for students to understand how analytical instruments work, the proper way to use instruments, and how to perform independent research while collecting publishable results. Students work in groups to prepare and submit posters to display their work.
To view the posters, go to the Chemical Analysis Class Projects page.
Digital Media Analysis Class Projects
Students in the Digital Media Analysis: The Photograph and Memory, taught by Dr. Philip Hopper in the fall 2019 semester, explored photographs and other materials from Special Collections & University Archives at Rod Library for a photo analysis assignment. Using photographs, diaries, scrapbooks, and other items from SC&UA, students considered how photographs and memory shape each other, and students constructed narratives based on the items they selected from SC&UA.
To view the archived websites, go to the Digital Media Analysis Class Projects page.
Environmental Literature Project
This book, Beauty Outside Our Doors: Conservation Stories of Black Hawk County, was published as part of the Spring 2017 Environmental Literature class in the Department of Languages & Literatures at the University of Northern Iowa. The class project was directed by Jeremy Schraffenberger, Languages & Literature Professor.
To view the essays, go to the Environmental Literature Project page.
Human Relations Projects
Seniors Teach Others Real Intergenerational Experiences (S.T.O.R.I.E.) -- Teacher Education Majors at the University of Northern Iowa are matched with senior adults residing at Western Home Communities. Through conversations and stories, the seniors of both generations are enhancing their understanding, compassion and acceptance of each other. S.T.O.R.I.E. Time gives the seniors a chance to choose a story together that will be written for the book.
To view the essays, go to the Human Relations Project page.
Literacy Clinic Anthologies
One-to-one tutoring is provided to clients by UNI students enrolled in the Advanced Literacy Practices course and the co-requisite Experience in Literacy: Tutoring course. All reading tutors are supervised by University faculty and graduate assistants. The tutors conduct assessments and then implement an individually designed instructional program for each child. As their literacy skills progress, each child contributes a written work to the anthology for their clinic.
To view the essays, go to the Literacy Clinic Anthologies page.
Make Cook Do Book Project
During the spring and fall semesters of 2016, UNI students collaborated with adult Learners in English classes at the YWCA in Waterloo, Iowa as language partners. The stories included in the book are just a sample of all the different backgrounds and talents that the adult English Learners brought to the collaboration. At the end of the fall 2016 semester, the YWCA students were invited to write about their past, present and/or future and, if they wanted to, about their family as well.
To view the essays, go to the Make Cook Do Book Project page.
Monuments Class Projects
In the spring 2022 and 2025 classes, HIST 4159/5159 Monuments & Memory: Making & Unmaking the Historic Landscape, students examined monuments through many lens, including history, art, architecture, and design. Students studied the monument images, archived in UNI ScholarWorks, and developed metadata for the online archive of images and wrote background research articles and developed bibliography of sources.
To view the materials, go to the Monuments Class Projects page.
Moving Words: A Service-Learning Project
Students in the Three-Dimensional Concepts first-year art course partnered with a local non-profit, the Waterloo Writing Project (WWP), to create short films based on the writings of the k-12 WWP participants. The mutual goals for the instructor and WWP included giving voice to area youth and connecting college students to the community. All participants explored and reflected upon the importance of community engagement and citizenship by acknowledging their similarities and differences through creative lenses.
To view the materials, go to the Moving Words: A Service-learning Project page. -
Running Past the Trees Project
This anthology is the result of a service-learning project supported by The Facing Project. Students enrolled in Two-Dimensional Concepts, a foundations art course at the University of Northern Iowa, and K-12 authors at the Waterloo Writing Project collaborated over the course of a semester through shared stories, conversations, and illustrations.
To view the essays, go to the Running Past the Trees Project page.
Spring 2022 Iowa Documents Class Projects
In the spring 2022 honors section of HIST 1023-Section 2 History of the United States students examined early original Iowa documents. Students studied the documents and developed metadata for the online archive of documents. They transcribed the documents and wrote background research articles and developed bibliography of sources.
To view the materials, go to the Spring 2022 Iowa Documents Class Projects page.