"Non-Categorical Competency Based Teacher Training: An Operational Mode" by University of Northern Iowa

COE Documents


ERIC Document - ED092475 found in the ERIC Database

Document Type



Competency Based Teacher Education; Mainstreaming; Performance Criteria; Practicums; Program Evaluation; Special Education; Systems Approach; Teaching Methods; Teaching Skills


The special education training program at the University of Northern Iowa provides a systematically integrated program designed to develop professional personnel with the requisite competencies to (a) diagnose and teach; (b) organize and supervise programs; (c) evaluate instructional programs; and d) train professional educators to implement programs for children and youth manifesting retardation and behavioral; learning; and multiple handicaps. Traditional categories of special education have been de-emphasized; and a systems approach has been applied within a conceptual model to guide the integration of didactics with practicum activities. The conceptual model is constructed upon the building blocks of (a) instructional methodology; (b) experience/practicum; and (c) educational management. Internal evaluation involves a continuous monitoring of practicum experiences based upon the observation of pupil-teacher interactions. Competencies are judged by the demonstrations of performance criteria at each step of the practicum experience. External evaluation is performed by advisory groups and consultants and through special workshops intended to provide feedback for program evaluation. (Author/JA)

Original Publication Date


Object Description

1 PDF file (46 pages)


UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa


©1973 University of Northern Iowa



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