UNI Works About Community Variety Topics
Works by UNI faculty, staff, and students related to the community variety topics that have been gathered under the CME page in UNI ScholarWorks.
Submissions from 2021
Mental illness representation in young adult literature, Ashley Aberle Open Access Graduate Research Paper
How have you experienced being on testosterone? Narrative inquiry into the T-body experience, Noah Andrew Open Access Thesis
Teaching race through multicultural children's literature, Kaley Bailey and Maiya Duthoo-Wolpert Open Access Graduate Research Paper
“It All Just Ends”: Death Attitudes Across Age, Gender and Religion [Poster], Bekah Bass
The portrayal of fathers in children's literature, Kate A. Hite Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Hybridity, border-crossings and the homeland in contemporary literature by women, Rand Omar Khalil Khalil Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Multicultural Education and Attitudes Towards Immigrant Groups in the U.S. [Poster], Anika Lillegard-Bouton
Understanding the lived experiences of Asian American transracial adoptees in college, Frances Elizabeth McDermott Open Access Honors Program Thesis 2021 Award
Diverse representation within secondary-level state consortium-provided e-books, Jill McDonald Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Preparing tomorrow's teachers: A program analysis of teacher education in Iowa and its role in preparing preservice teachers for emergent bilinguals, Karrigan Alexandria Mentzer Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Assessing the implicit curriculum in social work education: An examination of the University of Northern Iowa students' experiences, Madison Motz Open Access Honors Program Thesis 2021 Award
Including English language learners in Algebra One instruction, Callie Irene Neighbor Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Concurrent Workshops: APS IDEA: A New Initiative and Up Your Outreach Game!, Geoffrey Potvin and Amanda Williams
The internalization of the model minority myth and its effect on Asian American students' academic stress, Anne E. Raecker Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Gender & Sexuality Services Newsletter, February 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Gender & Sexuality Services.
Library Connection, v8n2, Spring 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Notes for the Stalled, v13n5, February 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Women's and Gender Studies Newsletter, v6, Spring 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Women's and Gender Studies.
Exploring voting habits and attitudes of LGBTQ+ college students in the United States, Jordan Weber Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Events from 2020
Plants and the Paranormal, Natalie Aird and Ellie Wigginton
Rehearsing for Transformation: Theatre of the Oppressed, Pedagogy and Human Rights, Amir Al-Azraki
Portrayal of characters with physical disabilities in picture books, Emily Biederman Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
Impact of positive psychology in PK-12 settings, Daniel Paul Butler Open Access Dissertation 2022 Award
a continued Theatre of the Oppressed, Tania S. Cañas Dr
Labor's unsettled vagrancy: The rise and fall of the hobo labor movement, 1865-1929, Laura Kathryn Carpenter Open Access Thesis
The overground railroad of the Jim Crow era: A rhetorical analysis of the Negro Motorist Green Books, Cecilia Louise Cerja Thesis (UNI Access Only)
How to create a radically inclusive math classroom with regards to gender and sexual orientation, Alexa DeVore Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Portrayal of Diverse Family Structures in Children's Literature, Beth Grafft Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Don't Poke The Bear - A Project Report, Nicole Kontolefa and Grace Cannon
Attitudes Towards Latinx Student Support on UNI Campus, Shelby Loomis
The miseducation of American youth: The detriments of whitewashing literature in secondary schools, Molly Magill Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Examining African American male mentors relationships with African American boys: Benefits, barriers, recruitment, and retention, Quenton Angelo Richardson Open Access Dissertation
Respiratory differences in spontaneous and scripted speech among bilingual adults, Anna Irene Sagan Open Access Honors Program Thesis
An analysis of ADHD in middle grade and young adult literature, Sydney Schuler Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)
You Can't Take it With You Dramaturgical Website, Hannah Smith, Zoella Sneed, Cheyenne Kay, Jenna Bauch, Savanna Burkle, Abigail Chagolla, Kennedy Keil, Thayne Lamb, Megan Lenstra, Collin Ridgley, and Hannah Twitchell
Gazing at scattered stars: Immigration through the lens of elementary graphic literature, Jennifer K. Stanerson Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Angel De Cora, Karen Thronson, and the Art of Place: How Two Midwestern Women Used Art to Negotiate Migration and Dispossession, Elizabeth Sutton
Making the water cycle accessible and relevant for English language learners, Summer Teed Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Identification of trends in scientific communication by minority students in an integrated and advanced ninth grade science curriculum, Loren Thalacker Open Access Graduate Research Paper
From the Provost: Summer Study Abroad Programs, March 6, 2020, University of Northern Iowa, 3-6-2020
Communiqué: College of Humanities, Arts & Sciences Alumni Magazine, Volume 9, Fall 2020, University of Northern Iowa. College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences.
Theatre UNI Alumni Newsletter, Fall 2020-Spring 2021, University of Northern Iowa. Department of Theatre.
University of Northern Iowa Fact Book, 2020-2021, University of Northern Iowa. Institutional Research and Effectiveness.
Notes for the Stalled, v12n8, March 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Rod Library.
Women's and Gender Studies Newsletter, v4, Spring 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Women's and Gender Studies.
Women's and Gender Studies Newsletter, v5, Fall 2020, University of Northern Iowa. Women's and Gender Studies.
Culture in transitional chapter books: Assimilation or inclusion, Jeanette P. White Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Events from 2019
My Discovery of Transnational Feminism: The Urge for Inclusion, Alia Afzal Oral Presentation
Perception of preservice teachers on the implementation of multicultural education, Winnie Esther Akinyi Open Access Thesis
Increasing student perceptions of success and inclusion through strategic programming of underrepresented composers, Joyce J. Beyer Open Access Thesis
The Teaching of English in Lebanese Classrooms: A Critical Look at the Dominant Curricula and Practices, nadia bhuiyan
Overview on EMBARC (Ethnic Minorities of Burma Advocacy and Resource Center), Wubite Bogale
Constraints to African American college women's leisure-time physical activity and use of campus recreation services and facilities: A retrospective ethnographic exploration of experiences, Domino Ebony Chumrley-Birch Dissertation (UNI Access Only)
A study to explore linkages between reports of institutional racial oppression, internalized racial oppression, and self-efficacy in African American youth in predominately white colleges and universities (PWIS), Belinda Creighton-Smith Dissertation (UNI Access Only) 2020 Award
Using critical literacy and emotionally responsive teaching to discuss racism in a literature circle unit, Autumn Rose Den Boer Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Students in the Margin: The Creation of Evangelical Ministries on College Campuses, Hannah Gregor Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
"Half-Breeds," Squatters, and Settler Colonialism in the Des Moines-Mississippi Confluence, Matthew Hill Oral Presentation 2019 Award
A Comparative Study of Bilingual Education Programs In The U.S. and Singapore, Muhammad Intizom Oral Presentation
Gender-Neutral Language in Chile: A Response Due to Absence of Representation, Claudia Pino Leuquen Oral Presentation
Threat as a Mediator of the Relationship between Political Orientation and Prejudice toward Immigrants, Nathan Lewey Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Women of Faith and Religious Identity in Fin-de-Siècle France, Emily Machen
Work-related outcomes and organizational commitment, Mushaun Miller Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Including Students with Significant Disabilities in the General Education Classroom, Carissa Newman Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Community Engagement Across the World, Stephanie Rojas, Paula Van Zee, and Charity Eckhardt
Girls Explore Math Careers by Making 3D-Constructions of Diverse Women Mathematicians’ Lives, Audrey C. Rule, Dana Atwood Blaine, Clayton M. Edwards, and Mindy Gordon
A New Canon, Randi Smith Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Understanding My Home: The Potential for Affective Impact and Cultural Competence in Primary Source Literacy, Jaycie Vos and Yadira Guzman
Effects of Exposure to Video Games on Aggression, Empathy, Sexism, & Prejudice, Chelsea Washburn Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Motivation to call police: The exploration of racial and risk averse motivation, Alivia Lauren Zubrod Open Access Thesis
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Exploring the academic, social, and cultural experiences of English language learners from Saudi Arabia at a Midwest university in the U.S., Sukainah A. Al Subia Open Access Dissertation
Parent perspectives on inclusive bookclubs, Amy Bucciferro Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Religion & Refugees: A Service-Learning Partnership, Cara Lea Burnidge
Language Partners at the YWCA: UNI Spanish, English and TESOL students collaborating with English students in community ESOL classes, Elise M. DuBord, Caroline Ledeboer, Jennifer Cooley, Alejandra Huesca, M. Intizom, and Libby Gleason
Intimate Partner Violence Stigma: The Intersection of Race and Socioeconomic Status, Antoinette Fleming Open Access Poster Presentation
Gender Stereotypes in Hispanics and Caucasians, Christina Fortuna Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
The moral motivations of negative attitudes toward transgender people, Hailey Annette Hatch Open Access Thesis 2019 Award
"Half-Breeds," Squatters, and Land Speculators: The Struggle Over the Half- Breed Tract in Southeast Iowa, Matthew Hill Oral Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Language Policy in Sudanese-Arabic Speaking Families, Marwa Ibrahim Open Access Oral Presentation 2018 Award
Personal Experiences of Students at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and (Dis)ability, Shehreen Iqtadar Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available) 2018 Award
From Bosnia to Waterloo, Iowa: Bosnian refugee and immigrant experiences, 1996-2017, Zijad Mahmutovic Thesis (UNI Access Only)
President Trump's transgender military ban: A legal analysis, Kailee Martens Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Pre-service teachers' attitudes of students with chronic pain, Katelyn A. Melcher Honors Program Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Remembering Obama in the Era of Trump, Dante Allen Miller Open Access Paper
The Global Reach of UNI’s Community Engagement Activities, Ellen Neuhaus
Gender differences in perceived stigma among sexual minorities and their related health practices, Sara Kay Richardson Open Access Thesis
Overcoming Obstacles: UNI Business Women Challenge the Status Quo, Emily Snodgrass Oral Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Analysis of the relationship between religion and forgiveness, Desislava S. Stoycheva Open Access Dissertation
La discriminación contra latinos (Discrimination Against Latinos), Lauren Swan Open Access Poster Presentation
Multilingualism in Counselor Education and Human Services Professionals: Implications for a New Training Paradigm, Roberto Swazo and Dorota Celinska
African-American Children & Families Conference, February 23, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
African-American Children & Families Pre-Conference, February 22, 2018, University of Northern Iowa. College of Education.
Accuracy in Perception of Police Activities, Chelsea Washburn Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Transgender People of Color: The New Shade of Bigotry, Emma Welch, Hailey Hatch, and Christina Fortuna Poster Presentation (Electronic Copy Not Available)
Skooz be Hat’in: My Story Navigating and Negotiating Standard American English, Lisa M. Westbrooks
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Intergroup contact theory and global perspective in students who study abroad, Salomi Aladia Thesis (UNI Access Only)
Living and teaching for social justice: teacher educators' stories and experiences, Courtney Kay Clausen Open Access Dissertation
7 Ways to Improve Instruction for Linguistically Diverse Students, Amy Frederick and Maggie Struck
Effects of studying abroad on college students, Kaliana Villa Open Access Honors Program Thesis
Submissions from 2016
Monica Reyes, Interviewed by Liz Becker, Liz Becker
Mario Lopez, Interviewed by Ashley Boose, Ashley Boose