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Open Access Thesis


Aureomycin; Oxytetracycline; Tomatoes--Diseases and pests;


The disease crown gall manifests itself on various woody or herbaceous plants by the formation of tumor-like enlargements at the crown or on other parts or by extensive production of organs (roots, shoots). In both cases the abnormal development is an uncontrolled hyperplast, resulting in tumors or galls of varying sizes and form or in the production of organs, frequently out of normal position and in excessive numbers. Because of the frequent location of the galls on the stem or trunk near or at the ground level, the disease has been known as crown gall. Various other names such as crown knot, root tumors, root knot, cove galls, and black knot have been applied to the tumor phases of the disease. White hairy root, woolly root, and woolly knot are names applied to the phases of excessive root production. The name plant cancer has been used because of the undifferentiated cell growth similar to the growth of cancer cells in animals.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Department of Science

First Advisor

C. W. Lantz

Second Advisor

E. B. Wittlake

Third Advisor

Tom A. Lamke


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