Student Writing Awards
Submissions from 2008
Grandpa's move, Emily Burney
The dream vacation, Emily Burney
The next finish line, Emily Burney
Mass transit, Elizabeth A. Cook
The quilt enchiladas, Mallorie De Hoyos
Softly falls the light of day, Tate Fontenot
A moment of truth, Pam Klein
“By the stroke of a pen”: A brief look at writer’s representations of race, injustice, and violence, Audra Kremer
"Stand and unfold yourself": The subjectivity of interpretation in Hamlet, Josh Mahoney
The moral of that old story, Holly Malm
Duality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The picture of Dorian Gray, and "Dionea", Lauren McDonald
The famished class, Lindsay Ruter
Imagi-Nation, John Wagner
Open-toed steps, Sarah Wagner
Recovering from a wardrobe malfunction, Sarah Wagner
Little ≠ weak, Katie White
Things fall apart, Katie White
Submissions from 2007
Swift's shifting satiric strategy in Gulliver's Travels, Josh Mahoney