2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Symposium


John Deere Auditorium, Curris Business Building, University of Nothern Iowa

Presentation Type

Open Access Poster Presentation

Document Type



  • Heusler alloys have been studied extensively in recent years for practical applications in spintronic devices.
  • Many have been theoretically predicted to be half-metallic with tunable electronic properties.
  • NiFe1+xMn1-xAl, a quaternary Heusler compound, was theoretically and experimentally studied.

Start Date

26-7-2024 11:00 AM

End Date

26-7-2024 1:30 PM

Event Host

Summer Undergraduate Research Program, University of Northern Iowa

Faculty Advisor

Paul M. Shand


Department of Physics

File Format



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Jul 26th, 11:00 AM Jul 26th, 1:30 PM

Magnetotransport Properties of NiFe1+xMn1-xAl Heusler Alloys

John Deere Auditorium, Curris Business Building, University of Nothern Iowa

  • Heusler alloys have been studied extensively in recent years for practical applications in spintronic devices.
  • Many have been theoretically predicted to be half-metallic with tunable electronic properties.
  • NiFe1+xMn1-xAl, a quaternary Heusler compound, was theoretically and experimentally studied.