UNI ScholarWorks - Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Symposium: Geometric Curves from p-Circles

2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Symposium


ScholarSpace, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa

Presentation Type

Open Access Poster Presentation

Document Type



p-Circles are a generalization of the usual circle satisfying the equation |x|p + |y|p = 1. The 1-circle is the square with vertices (1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1). As p goes to infinity the p-circle equation becomes max(|x|, |y|) = 1. So the ∞-circle is the square with vertices (1,1),(-1,1),(-1,-1),(1,-1). From 1≤p≤2 the p-circle smoothly transforms from a square to a circle, and from 2≤p≤∞ the p-circle smoothly transforms from a circle to a square.

Start Date

28-7-2023 11:00 AM

End Date

28-7-2023 1:30 PM

Event Host

Summer Undergraduate Research Program, University of Northern Iowa

Faculty Advisor

Bill Wood


Department of Mathematics

File Format



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Jul 28th, 11:00 AM Jul 28th, 1:30 PM

Geometric Curves from p-Circles

ScholarSpace, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa

p-Circles are a generalization of the usual circle satisfying the equation |x|p + |y|p = 1. The 1-circle is the square with vertices (1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1). As p goes to infinity the p-circle equation becomes max(|x|, |y|) = 1. So the ∞-circle is the square with vertices (1,1),(-1,1),(-1,-1),(1,-1). From 1≤p≤2 the p-circle smoothly transforms from a square to a circle, and from 2≤p≤∞ the p-circle smoothly transforms from a circle to a square.