This collection contains the entries written or created in 1862, the second year of the Civil war, for the Union Homefront collection compiled by Wallace Hettle, a history professor at the University of Northern Iowa.
This collection is a subset of the larger Union Homefront: A History in Documents collection.
14. 1862 - Representative Thaddeus Stevens
Thaddeus Stevens and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Stevens, Thaddeus. “Untitled. January 22, 1862” In The Congressional Globe: The 37th Congress - The Second Session, edited by John C. Rives, 439-441. Washington: Congressional Globe Office, 1862.
Retrieved From: https://www.congress.gov/browse/37th-congress
15. 1862 - The Battle Hymn of the Republic - Julia Ward Howe
Julia Ward Howe and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Howe, Julia Ward. “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” The Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts), February 1862, Vol. IX: No. LII.
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/toc/1862/02/
16. 1862 - Letter to Abraham Lincoln - Ellen E. Sherman
Ellen E. Sherman and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Sherman, Ellen E. Letter to Abraham Lincoln, January 9, 1862.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mal1390400/
17. 1862 - Transcontinental Railroad - Sioux City Register
Sioux City Register and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Bliss, P. “Pacific Railroad.” Sioux City Register (Iowa), January 18, 1862, p. 1.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn84031042/1862-01-18/ed-1/
18. 1862 - Senator Samuel C. Pomeroy
Samuel C. Pomeroy and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Pomeroy, Samuel C. “Untitled. May 7, 1862” In The Congressional Globe: The 37th Congress - The Second Session, edited by John C. Rives, 1938-1940. Washington: Congressional Globe Office, 1862.
Retrieved From: https://www.congress.gov/browse/37th-congress
19. 1862 - The Prayer of Twenty Millions - Horace Greeley
Horace Greeley and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Greeley, Horace. “The Prayer of Twenty Millions.” New York Daily Tribune (New York), August 20, 1862, pg. 4.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn83030213/1862-08-20/ed-1/
20. 1862 - Letter to Horace Greeley - Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Lincoln, Abraham. “President Lincoln’s Letter.” New York Daily Tribune (New York), August, 25, 1862, p. 4.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn83030213/1862-08-25/ed-1/
21. 1862 - Proclamation and a Negro Army - Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Douglas, Frederick. “The Proclamation and a Negro Army, Speech Delivered February 1863” in The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass Vol. 3, edited by Philip Foner, 321-337. New York: International Publishers Co., 1952.
22. 1862 - The President’s Proclamation - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “The President’s Proclamation.” Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts), November 1862, p. 638-642
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1862/11/the-presidents-proclamation/306550
23. 1862 - To the Editor of the N.Y. Tribune - Lydia Maria Child
Lydia Maria Child and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Child, L. Maria. “A Letter from L. Maria Child.” New York Daily Tribune (New York), September 5, 1862, p. 9.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/sn83030213/1862-09-03/ed-1/
24. 1862 - What They Have to Do Who Stay at Home - Frederick Law Olmsted
Frederick Law Olmsted and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Olmsted, Fred. Law. “What They Have to do Who Stay at Home - October 21, 1862” In Documents of the Sanitary Commission Vol. 1, no. 50 p.1-12. New York: United States Sanitary Commission, 1866.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/b20413257_0001
25. 1862 - Telegram to Abraham Lincoln - John Pope
John Pope and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Pope, John. Telegram to Abraham Lincoln, November 11, 1862.
Retrieved From: https://www.loc.gov/item/mal1950700/
26. 1862 - Six Weeks in the Sioux Teepees - Mrs. Sarah F. Wakefield
Sarah F. Wakefield Mrs. and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Wakefield, Sarah F. Six Weeks in the Sioux Tepees. Minneapolis: Atlas Print. Co., 1863.
27. 1862 - Chiefly About War Matters, By a Peaceable Man - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “Chiefly About War Matters. By a Peaceable Man.” Atlantic Monthly (Massachusetts), July 1862, p. 43-61.
Retrieved From: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1862/07/chiefly-about-war-matters/306159/
28. 1862 - The Indian Imbroglio, Abraham Lincoln, Don’t you do it! - Andrew J. Van Vorhes
Andrew J. Van Vorhes and Wallace Hettle (Editor)
Document citation:
“The Indian Imbroglio — Abraham Lincoln, Don’t you do it!” The Stillwater Messenger (Minnesota), November 11, 1862, p. 2.
Retrieved From: https://archive.org/details/jan1186123thes/page/n5/mode/1up.