Robert and Yvonne Koob Fund for Student Community Engagement Recipients



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Download Jun 2019 - YPT Press Newsletter.pdf (602 KB)

Download Jul 2019 - YPT Press Newsletter.pdf (1.2 MB)

Download 2019 Success Street annual report.pdf (3.7 MB)

Project Description

Throughout my time at Allen Women’s Health, I was able to get a taste of all of the different types of work the staff do here. I was able to give 11 different presentations throughout my 12-week internship to all different populations: middle-schoolers, high-schoolers, and adults. For each of the presentations, I prepared by researching the topic and creating an outline to follow throughout the presentation. I was also able to coordinate a group of two different volunteers to help create bracelets for promotional items for Together Emma Alman - Allen Women's Health for Youth, a program through Allen Women’s Health. For Young Parents Together, a program through Allen Women’s Health, I created promotional items such as newsletters, Facebook posts, and new calendars for the 2019/2020 fiscal year. I also updated our mental health resources by contacting 16 agencies in Black Hawk County and surrounding areas to get correct information about their organization. Another project I was able to work on is the first Annual Report for Success Street, which are school-based health clinics in Waterloo, Iowa. Finally, one of my biggest continual projects was researching different awareness days and creating social media posts and newsletter articles for each of the days/months selected. I created 24 different social media posts and 24 different newsletter articles to help educate the community on different health topics, as well as educate the community on how Allen Hospital/Allen Women’s Health can help people with each of these health topics. The newsletters will be sent out in the Allen Newsletter as well as sent out to corporate newsletters in the community.


Department of Health, Recreation, and Community Services

Community Group

Allen Women's Health

First Advisor

Disa Cornish


Summer-Fall 2019 semesters

Date Original

Summer 2019



Object Description

1 PDF file

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Emma Alman - Allen Women's Health



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