Home > Iowa Academy of Science > Journals & Newsletters > Iowa Science Teachers Journal > Volume 9 > Number 3 (1972)
Volume 9, Number 3 (1972)
Issue cover date: April 1972
Front Matter
Open Letter to Science Teachers: Iowa Science, Engineering and Humanities Symposium
Ronald D. Townsend
Secondary Science Training Programs - Enrichment for the High School Student (1972)
Edward L. Pizzini
Entropy, the Universe and Man
Peter H. Sweedy
A Plan for a Temporary Insect-Killing Jar
William G. Bennett
Students for Environmental Awareness (S.E.A.): A New Concept
Charles Frederick
Back Matter

- Managing Editor
- Melton E. Golmon
- Advertising Committee
- William Azbell
- Walter DeKock
- Milbert Krohn
- James Merritt
- Editorial Board
- Leland Wilson
- Ray Haun
- Donald Biggs
- Delma Harding
- George Cossman
- News and Notes Editor
- Lynn Glass
- Photographic Editor
- H. L. Dean