Iowa Journal of Communication | University of Northern Iowa

The Iowa Journal of Communication is an award-winning state journal that publishes the highest quality scholarship from a variety of communication topics. Authors from around the globe submit manuscripts for double-blind review. Topics are philosophical, theoretical, critical, applied, pedagogical, and empirical in nature. We also publish reviews and reflective pieces of concern to communication scholars.

Two editions are published per year with a current acceptance rate of 45%. Submissions from all geographic areas are encouraged, and one need not be a member of the Iowa Communication Association to submit a piece.

The journal is indexed through the Communication database on EBSCO. All issues can be accessed here.

Current Issue: Volume 55, Number 2 (2023)

Front Matter

Prefatory Note


Welcome From the Editor
Kristen L. Majocha



The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Crisis Communication: A Study of Public Perceptions and Trust of AI
Travis Loof, Rachel Ehlers, Julia Lobo Paes, Prah Haider, and Rachel Spinks



Journal Editor
Kristen L. Majocha
Editorial Board
Alicia L. Alexander
Melissa Beall
Shelley Bradfield
Joy Daggs
Terri Donofrio
Kelly Herold
Bayo Joachim
Donna Pawlowski
Gayle Pohl
Julie Simanski
Jenn Supple