IAS Bulletin
This Iowa Academy of Science newsletter, The IAS Bulletin, ran from 1967 to 1988. The following issues are missing from this collection: vol.5 no.2, vol.5 no.4, vol.6 no.2-vol.16 no.2, vol.16 no.4-vol.19.
In addition, the IAS has published two other newsletters:
The New IAS Bulletin ran from 1999 to 2004.
The New Bulletin was published in print from 2005 to 2015.
The I.A.S. Bulletin, v22n1, January 1988
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- A Note from the Editor
--- Proceedings and Chem Abstracts
--- AD HOC Publications Committee Discharged
--- AAAS Annual Meeting
--- Centennial Meeting
--- Reflections
--- Natural Resources Workshop for Women
--- Laser Laboratory
--- Ames Laboratory Recognized
--- Soil and Water Conservation Society
--- Section Reorganization
--- Iowa Academy of Science Nomination for Promotion to Fellow
--- The Long Range Planning Committee Asks for Your Ideas
--- IAS Planning Questionnaire
--- Membership Facts -
The I.A.S Bulletin, v21n1, June 1987
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- A Note from the Editor
--- Annual Meeting Address by Paul Walte
--- Lenore Durkee Assumes Presidency
--- Iowa Science Foundation Grants Awarded 1987-88
--- Iowa Academy of Science Recognizes Outstanding Science Students
--- 1986-87 Committee Reports
--- Membership Facts -
The I.A.S. Bulletin, v20n2, August 1986
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- A Note from the Editor
--- 99th Annual Meeting-Grinnell College- April 24-25, 1987
--- NAAS News
--- Stoffel and Slama Attend AJAS Meeting in Philadelphia
--- 100th Annual Meeting in 1988
--- Iverson, Veldhuis and Windsor Iowa's Nominees for 1986 Presidential Award
--- Summer Board Actions
--- Committee Reports 1985-86
--- Iowa Science Foundation Grants Awarded 1986-87
--- Fiscal Year 1985-86 Balance Sheet
--- Iowa Academy of Science Nomination for Promotion to Fellow
--- Calendar
--- Membership Facts -
The I.A.S. Bulletin, v20n1, May 1986
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Annual Meeting Presentations
--- Letter to Members from President Waite
--- 1986 Annual Meeting Attendance
--- Iowa Academy of Science Nomination for Promotion to Fellow
--- Iowa Academy of Science Recognizes Outstanding Science Students
--- Future IAS Annual Meeting Dates
--- Emeritus Members Have Special Privileges
--- Durkee Bosch and Koch Newly Elected Officers
--- Awards Luncheon Recognizes Outstanding Students and Teachers
--- input Opportunities for Entire IAS Membership Planning for 100th Annual Meeting in 1988
--- Public Information Committee Reports Progress
--- IAS Board of Directors Will Meet in July
--- Membership Facts -
The IAS Bulletin, v16n3, November 1982
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- 1982-83 A Year od Transition
--- Heritage Book Still Available at Reduced Prices
--- Update of Academy's Office Equipment
--- Heritage Authors Honored
--- Awards Committee Evaluates Nominations for the Governor's Science Medal
--- Proceedings Pipeline Continues
--- Evolution/Creation Archives Proposed
--- Farm House Burned (On Purpose)
--- Board Supports Formation of New Section to Replace Mathematics
--- Student Research Workshops Well-Attained
--- Membership Promotion
--- Education Committee Report Receives Wide Attention
--- Root Cause of Problems in Science Education Attributed to Public Priorities
--- Iowa Represented at National Meetings
--- Chemical Education Meeting
--- Reviews of Creationist Material
--- Finance Committee Plans Drive
--- Board Approves Constitution and Bylaw Changes
--- Board Recommends Dues Hike
--- NSTA President Offers Challenge
--- Need for Public Understanding of Science
--- Membership Facts
--- Annual Meeting Plans -
The IAS Bulletin, v6n2, March 1972
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1971-72
--- 84th Session Program Complete
--- Proceedings Will Not Be Forwarded
--- Third Issue of Quarterly Proceedings Ready in April
--- Note from an "Oldtimer"
--- AAAS Research Grant Funds Available
--- To Count Our Blessings
--- AAAS Board Adopts New Statement of Goals
--- Status of AAAS Governance Changes
--- Registration Form
--- Invitation from the Midwest Benthological Society
--- ISU Announces Sigma XI and Bessey Lectures
--- Call for Papers
--- Membership Facts -
The IAS Bulletin, v6n1, January 1972
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1971-72
--- Last Call for Papers for the Annual Sessionsat Iowa City
--- Preliminary Planning well Underway
--- Another new Section Being Formed
--- Conservation Education Center Opens
--- Outdoor Classroom to be Part of Academy Farm
--- A Thought for the Day
--- News from the AAAS Convention
--- ISU Member has Proceedings to Give Away
--- AAAS Research Grants Awarded
--- Manuscripts Invited for Future Proceedings
--- Elections Coming up in March
--- Membership Facts
--- Water Resources of Iowa
--- Predicted Job Openings, 1970's -
The IAS Bulletin, v5n6, November 1971
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1971-72
--- An Open Letter from the President to the Members of the Iowa Academy of Science
--- Manuscripts for the Proceedings Invited
--- News from the Fall Directors' Meeting
--- Plans for 1972 Spring Meeting Shaping Up
--- Call for Papers for the 1972 Spring Meeting
--- Archeology Section Now Anthropology Section
--- What Ever Became of the Articulation Effort?
--- Future Meetings of the Academy
--- Geology Monograph Widely Distributed
--- New Officers of ISTS
--- Special Summer Study Opportunity Available
--- Do-It-Yourself Kit for Activists
--- 56% of Public Ignorant of Metric System
--- Academies will Continue to be Represented on AAAS Council
--- Membership Facts -
The IAS Bulletin, v5n5, September 1971
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1971-72
--- Proceedings Progress
--- Business Manager for Proceedings Appointed
--- Submit Manuscripts for Proceedings at Any Time
--- Iowa Science Teachers Journal Will Have Limited Distribution
--- Staff Changes at Drake Involve Academy "Activists"
--- Status of the Iowa State Preserves Advisory Board Uncertain
--- Darling Foundation Issues Catalog of Conversation Education Facilities
--- Are you a Member of AAAS?
--- AAAS Research Grants Awarded
--- AAAS Governance Changes Being Proposed
--- Guide to Upper Iowa River Published By George Knudson of Luther College
--- AAPT-Iowa Section
--- Student Programs Committee Proposes Sweeping Changes in Junior Academy Operation
--- Academy Board to Meet in October
--- 84th Session Planning Underway
--- "Research Topic Survey" Sponsored by Junior Academy at University of Iowa
--- Ninth Annual UNI Science Symposium and Scholarship Competition to be Held in November
--- From Physicist to Physician?
--- Water Resources Monograph Still Available
--- Membership Facts
--- Outstanding Teachers -
The IAS Bulletin, v5n3, May 1971
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1971-72
--- Election Results
--- Attendance at 83rd Session
--- Membership at all Time High
--- Section Interests Among Academy Members
--- Visiting Scientist Program Dead
--- Iowa Science Teachers Journal to be Distributed Only as Requested
--- Social Implications Committee Selects Single Concern for its Attention
--- Important Recommendations from the Academy's Committee on Governmental Cooperation and Assistance
--- Academy Farm Operating Under New Policies
--- Student Programs to be Evaluated
--- Recognition and Awards
--- Explanation of Election Ballot with Signature Space
--- Two Junior Academy Members to Represent Iowa
--- Notes of Interest from the Association of Academies of Science
--- From the Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Association of Academies of Science
--- New NSF Program Guidelines Issued on Public Understanding of Science
--- Human Resources Board Established by the National Research Council
--- Science Talent Search Winners
--- Excellence in Teaching Citations
--- Membership Changes Since January 1971
--- Water Resources Monograph Still Available -
The IAS Bulletin, v5n1, January 1971
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1970-71
--- Note from the Editor of the Proceedings
--- Survey of Interest in the Iowa Science Teachers Journal
--- 83rd Session Joint Meetings Planned
--- General Session Speakers Named
--- Governor's Budget Hearings Involve Academy Officers
--- Iowa Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers
--- Note from One of Our Older Members
--- The 137th Meeting of the AAAS, Chicago
--- ISTS Executive Committee Meeting
--- NSTA Meetings
--- Excellence in Teaching Awards
--- Action by the Social Implications Committee
--- AAAS Research Grant Funds Available
--- Questionnaire
--- New Special Committee to Develop Ways and Means of Making Academy Manpower Resources More Accessible to Iowa Governmental Agencies
--- NSF Grant to Oklahoma Group
--- Idaho Projects Planned or Under Way
--- Minnesota Meetings and Other Things of Interest
--- Junior Academy Convention to Include "Rap" Sessions
--- The 1971 Science Talent Search
--- PBS to Air Environmental Specials on TV
--- Dues and Membership Information
--- Water Resources Monograph Still Available -
The IAS Bulletin, v4n5, November 1970
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1970-71
--- Important Board Action Concerning Proceedings
--- Annual Meeting Plans
--- Governor's Conference on Environmental Systems
--- "Public Lands and the People" Conference
--- IAS to Seek NSF Support for State Government-Academy Cooperation
--- IAS Receives NSF Grant to Help Finance Junior Academy Research Symposium
--- New Standing Committees Asked to Meet
--- Iowa Academy-State of Iowa Connections
--- Survey of Interest in the Iowa Science Teachers Journal
--- Back Issues of the Proceedings Available
--- Changes in Farm Management
--- Legislative Advisory Committee to be Appointed
--- Invitations for Future Meetings Solicited
--- Results of Balloting on Articles of Incorporation
--- A Note on Mail Delays
--- Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals
--- The National Institute of Ecology
--- Regional NSTA Meeting in Planning Stage
--- AAAS Delegates
--- AAAS Research Awards
--- Biology Articulation Project Emphasizes Objectives
--- New Members Since October 1970
--- Water Resources Monograph Still Available -
The IAS Bulletin, v4n4, September 1970
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1970-71
--- Roster of Committees
--- New Blood in the Board
--- Board Meeting October 31
--- Publications Committee to Meet
--- annual Meeting Committee to Meet
--- Chemistry Teachers of Central Iowa May Organize
--- Cooperative Project for Two-Year Colleges Underway
--- Request for Information on Environmental Education Materials
--- Academy Sponsors Environmental Education Conference
--- Indiana Academy Sets up Agency to Work with State Government
--- Northern Regional NSTA Conference
--- Correction to the Annual Report and Membership List
--- Gleanings from the Michigan Academy Newsletter
--- UNI Conservationist Honored
--- Association of Midwestern College Biology Teachers to Meet at UNI
--- Physiology Section Elects New Chairman
--- Abstracts Available
--- Proceedings Progress
--- Changes in State and Federal Laws Produce more Paper Work
--- Membership Count
--- Research Opportunities
--- Water Resources Monograph Still Available
--- Ecology Book Authored by Academy Member
--- Activists Wanted -
The IAS Bulletin, v4n3, May 1970
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1970-71
--- 82nd Facts and Figures
--- Section Attendance
--- New Constitution Adopted
--- Concerning the Dues Increase
--- Abstracts Available
--- Election Results
--- New Standing Committees
--- New Proceedings Policies in 1971
--- Annual Report
--- New Members Since March -
The IAS Bulletin, v4n2, March 1970
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1969-1970
--- Full Program Scheduled for Grinnell April 24-25
--- Pre-Register for the Annual Meeting!
--- Academy Geologist Authors Book on Geodes
--- Constitution Revision
--- Iowa Academy of Science Registration got 82nd Session
--- Membership in the Academy
--- Environmental Week at ISU
--- Cooperative Projects for Two Year Colleges Funded by NSF
--- New Members Since January -
The IAS Bulletin, v4n1, January 1970
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1969-1970
--- Section Program Notes (Incomplete)
--- Report and Recommendations from the Editor
--- Results of Biological Sciences Program Planning Survey
--- Iowa Academy of Science Visiting Scientist Program
--- Membership in the Academy
--- Natural History Area to be Developed
--- Educational Conference on Pollution
--- Report from the Statewide Biology Articulation Committee
--- Constitution Revision Committee Named
--- AAAS Research Grant Awards Announced
--- Retired Fellow Active
--- Need for an Academy Committee on Technical Education
--- NSF Officers Funding to Develop Academies' Role in State Scientific Advisory Capacity
--- Jaques Piccard to Visit UNI -
The IAS Bulletin, v3n5, November 1969
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Charimen, 1969-1970
--- Spring Program Planning
--- Board Meeting Bombshell
--- What About the Proceedings Format?
--- Speakers' Bureau Project Dropped
--- Visiting Scientist Program Still Alive
--- Excellence in Teaching Awards
--- Long Range Program Planning in the Biological Sciences
--- Symposium Volume of Archeological Papers Being Prepared
--- Academy Representatives to Attend Academy Conference in Boston
--- Constitution Revision
--- Financial Condition of the Academy
--- Academy Membership is a Bargain
--- News from Other State Academies
--- Membership in the Academy
--- Iowa Academy og Science Visiting Sceintist Program
--- Listing of All Iowa Colleges and Universities
--- Past President Revises Fisheries Handbook
--- From USOE
--- Challenging Thoughts from the President of AAAS
--- Activities of the Junior Academy and the Science Teaching Section -
The IAS Bulletin, v3n4, September 1969
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Officers, Directors, and Section Chairmen, 1969-1970
--- New Members Since May First
--- Membership by Section Interest
--- Board Meeting Scheduled
--- Geology Monograph "Water Resources of Iowa" to e Available Soon
--- Grant Received from NSF for Junior Academy Work
--- Academies of Science and Science Education
--- Activities of NSRA of Interest to Academy Members
--- Member Wants Critical Analysis of his Trisection
--- All High School Science Teachers in Iowa now on Information Mailing List
--- Several Vacancies Left by the Departure of One Active Member
--- Local Arrangements Named for April 1970 Meeting
--- Individual Contribution Still Welcome
--- Research Proposals for AAAS Funds Solicited
--- Articulation Program Expanded and Underway
--- Nomination of Fellows -
The IAS Bulletin, v3n3, May 1969
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- From the Editor
--- Attendance at 81st Session
--- Committee on Ecological Disturbances Continued
--- 1970 Plans Already Underway
--- New Corporate Member
--- Note to Visiting Scientists
--- Another Fall Articulation Conference Planned
--- ISTS Regional Meetings to be Featured in Science Education News
--- New Sections Being Considered
--- Members Urged to Support the Academy through Contributions
--- Fiscal Year Changed
--- Status of the Constitution Revision
--- Nomination of Fellows is in Order
--- What some of the Other State Academies are Doing
--- Newsletter to Have New Format
--- Our New President
--- You are Invited to Join The Iowa Academy of Science -
The IAS Bulletin, v3n2, March 1969
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Constitution Revision
--- Academy Conference to Conduct Editors' Workshop
--- Features of the Eighty-First Session April 18, 19 at University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
--- Motel Information for the April Meeting
--- Reservations Required for Academy Banquet
--- Section Program Highlights
--- Revised Constitution 1969
--- Revised Bylaws -
The IAS Bulletin, v3n1, January 1969
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Call for Papers
--- Visiting Scientist Program
--- Speakers' Bureau Directory
--- Special Committee Named
--- State-Wide Articulation Committee Appointed
--- Report fromthe ISTS Short Course Committee
--- Constitution Revision
--- Industrial Support Being Solicited
--- Special Bulletin Going Out to all High School Science Teachers
--- Membership Information
--- Academy Representatives Attend AAAS Convention
--- Proceedings for 1967 and 1968
--- Research Grants Awarded
--- New Section to Appear on the 1969 Program
--- Program Notes from Other Sections
--- Eighty-First Session at Cedar Falls
--- Call for Nominations for Teacher Awards
--- Selected Data on Science Resources
--- Late News and Notes
--- Call for Papers
--- Participation Form
--- Resgistration for Inclusion in a Speakers' Bureau Directory
--- IAS Address Changes and Corrections"
The IAS Bulletin, v2n5, November 1968
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Board of Directors Meeting at UNI
--- Visiting Scientist Program to be Revived
--- Speakers Bureau Directory to be Developed
--- Third Articulation Conference Passes Resolution
--- Membership and Dues Information
--- Local Arrangements Committees at Work
--- Academy Representatives to Attend AAAS Convention
--- Research Funds Still Available
--- AAPT Selects New Officers
--- ISTS Notes
--- Participation Form
--- Registration for Inclusion
--- IAS Address Changes and Corrections -
The IAS Bulletin, v2n4, September 1968
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- New Cover for the Bulletin
--- Corrections and Additions to the Membership List
--- 1969 Meetings Scheduled for Cedar Falls
--- IAS Dues Cover the Calendar Year
--- Proceedings for 1966 Ready
--- Academy Board to Meet
--- Fall Meeting AAPT
--- Our New President
--- Committee to Review the Academy Constitution
--- Collins Radio First Corporate Member
--- Professor Margaret Black Honored
--- Third Articulation Conference Scheduled for October 11 and 12 in Fort Dodge
--- Research Funds Available
--- 1967 Articulation Conference Report from Panel on Relations Between Physics and Mathematics
--- Science Teachers Section Fall Meeting -
The IAS Bulletin, v2n3, May 1968
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Eightieth Session Held at Wartburg
--- Committee Reports and Membership List
--- AAAS Research Funds Available
--- Third Articulation Conference Scheduled
--- Surplus Volumes of Proceedings Available
--- Walnut Seedlings Donated to Academy Farm
--- Vice-President Rogers off to Venezuela
--- A Note From President Carlander -
The IAS Bulletin, v2n2, March 1968
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Features pf the Eightieth Session
--- Special Reminder to Program Participants
--- Junior Academy's Thirty-Sixth Convention
--- Awards and Recognition
--- Equipment and Book Displays
--- Proceedings Progress and Problems
--- Science Teachers Short Course a Success
--- More Regional ISTS Meetings
--- Reports from Second Articulation Conference Available
--- Motel Information
--- Pre-Registration -
The IAS Bulletin, v2n1, January 1968
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- Spring Meeting Plans Progressing
--- General Instructions for Program Participants
--- 1965 Proceedings Distributed; 1966 and 1967 on the Way
--- Authors Please Note
--- ISTS Regional Meetings Planned
--- Call for Nominations for Outstanding Teacher Awards
--- Third Articulation Conference Planned
--- Section Interests of the Academy Members
--- Academy Representatives Attend AAAS Meeting in New York
--- Message from the Executive Secretary to all Members -
The IAS Bulletin, v1n1, November 1967
Iowa Academy of Science
In this issue:
--- UNI Prof New Executive Secretary
--- Second Annual Conference of the Articulation of Science and Mathematics
--- Wartburg College to Dedicate New Science Building
--- 1968 Spring Meeting to be Held at Wartburg College
--- Wartburg Prof has NSF Research Grant
--- Iowa Section of AAPT to Meet
--- Report on the Parish Farm
--- ISTS Journal Now Printed at UI
--- Section Chairman Announced
--- Organizational Webs Within the Academy
--- Proceedings Progress
--- Special Academy Emblem to be Designed
--- Note from the Editor