Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

John W. Johnson


Baseball for women--Public opinion; Women baseball players--Public opinion; All-American Girls Professional Baseball League--History;


It is essential to look at the conditions that made the League possible in the first place and also the conditions that led to its demise. To do this, players' backgrounds must be investigated. Who were these women? Where did they come from? Where did they go after the League? These are all fundamental questions that must be answered. One way to look at how the women and the League were perceived by society is to look at the daily reporting of the League in local town newspapers and larger national publications. These newspapers carried daily stats, stories and sometimes cartoons. Looking at these sources shows how society, not just the League's fans, actually felt about the League.

Year of Submission



Department of History

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors


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Object Description

1 PDF file (39 pages)
