Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Alexandra Kogl


Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826--Philosophy; Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826--Influence; Education--United States--Philosophy;


Thomas Jefferson was President of the United States, a statesman, lawyer, scientist, author of the Declaration of Independence, and a proponent of education in the United States of America. Understandably, his educational philosophy is inextricably linked to his political philosophy, as Gordon C. Lee puts it, " ... liberty without enlightenment seemed to Jefferson a contradiction in concepts, an anomaly," (Lee 1961, 2-3). Thomas Jefferson emphasized the importance of education in the United States, as Roy J. Honeywell puts it, "His educational plans were a very necessary part of his political and social reforms, and his educational ideas were as vital as were his political theories," (Honeywell 1931, xv). Jefferson was progressive, he had many ideas and plans which continue to live even today. It is important to remember that the ideas Jefferson proffered were consistent with the world he lived in, so to find use for such ideas it is necessary to tailor them to our time.

Year of Submission



Department of Political Science

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors


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