Honors Program Theses


Open Access Honors Program Thesis

First Advisor

Matthew Bunker


Bank marketing; College students--Attitudes;


This study investigates what messages are most effective in convincing students to switch the bank they use. The study consists of a survey with eight ad messages and respondents rate how much they are interested in switching to the hypothetical bank considering the ad message. Sixty-six students, aged 18-24, submitted responses. T-test analysis showed there were 5 ad messages that had a significant impact: no minimum balance requirement, offering free e-banking, having your specific needs cared for, the bank giving back to the community, and the bank having experienced employees. Of these, the most significant was the message that the bank gives back to its community. Factor analysis found there were two distinct groups- one who generally preferred the tangible messages and the other who preferred intangible messages. It was also found that the four messages with the highest significance in the T-test analysis were four of the messages that had the lowest eigenvalues of the messages which belonged to a variable in the factor analysis. Finally, simple regression analyses was used with the classification questions included. The most notable finding in these analyses was the amount of hours spent online daily had a positive correlation with the amount the message that the bank gives back to its community would sway the respondent.

Year of Submission



Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship

University Honors Designation

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation University Honors

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (1 volume (unnumbered))



File Format


Included in

Marketing Commons
