Graduate Research Papers
Open Access Graduate Research Paper
The purpose of this paper was review the current literature on the concept of Quiet Eye. Quiet Eye is an emerging concept in targeting tasks, and it can improve performance for both experts and non-experts when used properly. It may also help shield performers from the effects of anxiety. The second part of this paper summarized the application of Quiet Eye with a junior high basketball team and how the athletes used Quiet Eye from a coach's perspective. The team was taught how to use Quiet Eye during free throw shooting. The athletes that utilized Quiet Eye had a higher success rate than the athletes that did not use Quiet Eye. It was observed that higher-level athletes used Quiet Eye during competition more than lower-level athletes and also had more success in shooting free throws.
Year of Submission
Degree Name
Master of Arts
School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services
First Advisor
Fabio Fontana
Date Original
Object Description
1 PDF file (20 pages)
©2015 Anton Stalzer
Recommended Citation
Stalzer, Anton, "A Literature Review and Application of Quiet Eye" (2015). Graduate Research Papers. 4425.
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