Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The purpose of this exploratory descriptive study was to investigate the status and scope of dance education programs offered by public leisure service organizations and non-profit youth agencies in the State of Iowa. In addition, the study was directed toward discerning the number of participants in existing dance programs provided by the aforementioned types of organizations. This research study was intended to provide a baseline of information to add to the general body of knowledge regarding the provision of dance education programs within the State of Iowa.

The Inventory of Iowa's Dance Programs, consisting of 31 questions, was distributed to the Directors of Boys & Girls Clubs (n = 6), YMCAs (n = 40), YWCAs (n = 11), Jewish Community Centers (n = 1), and Park & Recreations Departments of populations of 5,000 or greater (n = 63) in the State of Iowa. The Inventory requested information categorized into four sections including: a) general data, b) participant information, c) staff information, and d) environment/facilities/equipment information. Tables 1-31 are used to display the information collected using this instrument in 2001.

Major conclusions found in this research include: a) the organizations that offer dance programming do so because they see a need and value the educational, social, psychological, and physiological benefits that dance provides to its participants; b) the agencies that do not off er dance programming do not want to compete with existing organizations that currently offer dance programming, do not have the facilities, cannot find qualified dance instructors, and/or do not have the funding to support dance programming; c) both organizations that do and do not offer dance programming agree that it is difficult to find qualified dance educators; d) trends in dance programming include the increased popularity of dance, which has led to increased program development; and e) non-profit agencies and park and recreation departments differed from each other in the goals established for the dance programs.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Christopher Edginton


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