Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii sought to develop and test "a support program(s) to assist Pacific Island immigrant youth and their families, more specifically, the Micronesian communities." in selected schools in the urban core. This "In-Step" program to help immigrant Micronesians was designed with the following schools that are heavily impacted by Micronesian immigrants: McKinley High School and the Kaimuki Complex Middle Schools (specifically Central and Washington Middle Schools). To achieve the objectives of the project, the following were to be provided during the course of the two-year program:

A Outreach services for the purpose of recruiting immigrant youth for Central and Washington Middle Schools (Grades 6th- 8th grades) for after school services.

B. Diverse after-school programs to involve Pacific Island immigrant youth and their families focusing

C. School and community support for the purpose of improving academic and social performance.

D. Linkage of after-school acculturation and pro-social activities with in-school programs to increase immigrant transition to the new environment

E. Community Needs Assessment and Readiness;

F. Building Capacity to Address Community Needs:

G. Identify Goals and Objectives, and begin to develop a written Strategic Plan

H. Identify and establish Monitoring and Evaluation Protocols: Process and Outcome Evaluation.

I. Incorporate Central /BGCH "RALLY Project" as potential Model for replicating Programs in other Middle Schools.

J. Initiate Planning and Implementation Phase for Washington Middle School

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Sam Lankford


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