Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


The purpose of this study was to review available literature on the epidemiology of CMV, and how to decrease the in utero transfer rate of CMV. CMV is a disease that is easily acquired and for which there is no known cure. The disease is part of the Herpesviridae family and can have irreversible consequences to the infected individual and child. Therefore, because of the serious nature of this disease, the public needs to be made aware so they can take necessary precautions to prevent CMV infection or the spread of infection. This study was limited to research done in the United States even though this is a worldwide concern.

This review of literature showed that those most vulnerable to this disease are fetuses and newborns of women of childbearing years. This study looked at the data on the effects of CMV in newborns that became infected in utero via an infected mother. CMV that has been transferred to the fetus by the mother can be detrimental to the infant and can cause serious physical and mental side effects to the newborn. This study also examined research on prevention of the spread of CMV and looked at the many methods being used to detect and stop the spread of this incurable disease.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Division of Health Promotion and Education

First Advisor

Sue Joslyn


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Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (44 pages)


