Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


One of the paradoxes of history is that the people of the past speak more clearly to us today if we understand the time in which they lived.1 Inasmuch as Locke lived in a very tempestuous era, was an unusually active participant in the politics of his country, was no academic recluse, and was a thinker who reflected the mind of his time, it is particularly obligatory to know the historical context in which he belonged if we are to appraise his influence with some degree of accuracy.2 The purpose of this paper, then, is to study the life of John Locke against the backdrop of seventeenth century England, to attempt a summary of his educational theory, and to name some of the writers and writings that reflect the genius of this eminent educator-philosopher-economist-theologian-physician-political theorist.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Library Science

First Advisor

C.L. Greve


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1 PDF file (44 pages)
