"An Annotated Bibliography of Music and Musicians in Children’s Fiction" by Betty Nason

Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


An annotated bibliography of 92 children's fiction books dealing with music: or musicians was compiled. Each book was rated concerning negativity toward music:, sexism, the primary vehicle of music: production, and accuracy of musical facts. Titles were obtained from colleagues, selective and non-selective bibliographic: sources, and browsing and searching card catalogs of seven different libraries. Not included were opera librettos, short story collections, or illustrated songs. Each book was read and analyzed by the researcher. Twenty-three percent of the books showed at least some negativity; forty-eight percent had at lea.st one female main or musical supporting c:hara.c:ter, forty-six percent rated "questionable" or "fantasy" c:onc:erning accuracy of musical fact, and twenty-three percent dealt primarily with the string instrument family.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Library Science

First Advisor

Elizabeth Martin


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Object Description

1 PDF file (iii, 79 pages)
