Graduate Research Papers

Outsourcing Effect on Product Quality


Graduate Research Paper (Electronic Copy Not Available)


Outsourcing, a part of a company's current operation, is becoming more common because it may help save companies cost, save time in production logistics due to the established supplier-customer relationships. Along with the researcher's personal working experiences, and also through literature review, as well as a survey conducted among employees in manufacturing companies in Midwest area, this research investigated the effect of outsourcing on product quality. The companies' survey includes a wide variety of industries, for example, including the cutting edge of technology firm like Tesla, and also the large enterprises like PepsiCo and Chrysler. The analysis of the survey data shows that depending on the relationship that supplier and the customer have is critical to seamless outsourcing. Tracking data sets for performance recognition and reward are critical components as well as other methods that are recommended discussed further in the text.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Technology

First Advisor

Douglas R. Hotek

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (26 pages)

Electronic copy is not available through UNI ScholarWorks.
