Graduate Research Papers


Graduate Research Paper (UNI Access Only)


Despite an increase in Latino/as enrolling in higher education, there is a low percentage of Latino/a first-generation college students (FGCS) who graduate college. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of specific factors on the academic success, sense of belonging, and overall well-being of Latino/a FGCS. The study found that Latino/a FGCS face unique challenges because they may have fewer resources and connections. Latino/a FGCS often feel a sense of isolation in predominantly White campuses and may struggle with multiple marginalized identities such as low-income status, being a person of color, and being a first-generation college student. A sense of belonging and social support is crucial for student persistence and success. The results suggest that understanding factors that contribute to their success and well-being is essential in developing tailored programs and services to support Latino/a FGCS and improve their chances of graduating college. Policymakers and higher education staff and faculty can take steps to prepare for the rise of Latino/a students and better support and provide services for them.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Health, Recreation, and Community Services

First Advisor

Julianne Gassman

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (46 pages)



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