Graduate Research Papers


Open Access Graduate Research Paper


Home school education is a choice that more parents are selecting for their children in today's world. Parents may decide to home school their children for a variety of reasons. Public schools can begin to cooperate with home school parents and assist in the education of home school students by offering the use of school resources. The purpose of this project was to develop a core collection of resources, provide a listing of services in the school library for home school families in Buena Vista County, Iowa schools. It was also intended to develop an informational brochure for home school parents in the county and make this available to home school parents.

A questionnaire survey was sent out to all administrators, media specialist, and home school families in Buena Vista County, Iowa to receive opinions on current services provided by schools and school libraries. The survey also determined what would be the best time for media specialists to collaborate with home school families in providing information about services, programs, and circulation of materials. Information provided in this questionnaire survey made the researcher aware of differing opinions on using school resources. The results of the survey also pointed out that home school families are reluctant to use school resources. Libraries are very important to home school families because this is where home school educators are supplementing the home school curriculum. Media specialists can help home school families' access information, prepare home school students to use the resources available and foster an atmosphere of cooperation.

The results of this project provides other school libraries with some direction for creating services, programs, and information that can be used and distributed to home school families in some format. The informational brochure, for this study, was designed to serve as that format. The brochure will show the resources and when the media specialists are available to encourage school library usage. Library media specialists can offer services and programs to home school families encouraging support for school libraries and the resources libraries have to offer.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Division of School Library Studies

First Advisor

Barbara Safford


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1 PDF file (vi, 79 pages)



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