Graduate Research Papers
Open Access Graduate Research Paper
Instructional materials centers; Classroom management;
This research was undertaken as a study of attitudes toward discipline and discipline problems found 1n secondary school libraries. '!'he topic has, up to the present, been largely ignored. A search of the literature yields only a small amount of material relating to this important topic. Yet we are told, "Every teacher is expected to keep order in his or her own area. No combination of other virtues will compensate for lack of ability to maintain discipline. Weak disciplinarians are discharged far more often than they are retained."1
Thus it may be seen that the librarian's success in his field may be closely related to his ability to maintain order or discipline in his particular area. This clearly indicates the importance of the topic to present and future librarians
Year of Submission
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Department of Library Science
Date Original
Object Description
1 PDF file (89 pages)
©1972 Marie Allen
File Format
Recommended Citation
Allan, Marie, "A study of attitudes toward discipline and discipline problems in secondary school libraries" (1972). Graduate Research Papers. 1707.
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