General Education Re-envisioning Committee Documents
This is a collection of updates from the General Education Re-envisioning Committee at the University of Northern Iowa during Phase I and Phase II of the process.
01 Update: General Education Revision Framework
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Describes the general education review and revision process for the Higher Learning Commission accreditation report for the 2020-2021 academic year.
02 Update: General Education Approval Process
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Outlines the process for gathering campus wide input and final approval for recommendations for the general education curriculum revision.
03 Update: Spring 2018 Update to Faculty and Staff
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A memo to the faculty and staff summarizing the activity of the General Education Re-envisioning Committee during the spring of 2018 and mentions that listening sessions will take place in the fall of 2018.
04 Update: Spring 2018 Update to Students
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A memo summarizing the work of the General Education Re-envisioning Committee through spring 2018 for students.
05 Update: Fall 2018 - General Education Faculty and Staff Sessions
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Announces the time and place for three sessions to gather input from faculty and staff on the draft mission statements and learning areas for the general education program.
06 Update: DRAFTS of Potential Learning Areas for Listening Sessions Sept 2018
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The form used to gather input on the learning areas drafted by the General Education Re-envisioning Committee for the fall 2018 listening sessions.
07 Update: DRAFTS of Mission Statements for Listening Sessions Sept 2018
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Drafts of three mission statements used to gather feedback at the listening sessions of fall 2018.
08 Update: Draft 2 learning areas (presented to Faculty Senate, October 8th)
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The draft of the student learning goals and outcomes presented at the University Faculty Senate meeting of October 8, 2018.
09 Update: Draft 2 mission statements (presented to Faculty Senate, October 8th)
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Presents the draft mission statements shared with the University Faculty Senate on October 8, 2018.
10 Update: Email sent to campus announcing online feedback opportunity
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Provides a link to a survey to get feedback on the revised learning areas and mission statements that incorporates the input from the listening sessions in September 2018.
11 Update: Copy of the Online Input Survey (sent to faculty and staff, October 15th)
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Presents the survey sent to the campus to get feedback on the revised mission statements and learning outcomes from October 2018.
12 Update: Fall 2018 - Gen Ed Mission & Outcome Survey Results
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Consolidates the results of the survey sent to the campus in October 2018.
13 Update: Fall 2018 - Gen Ed Consultations
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Provides a calendar of the meetings that representatives of the General Education Review Committee made with various groups on campus during the Fall 2018 semester to give updates and gather feedback.
14 Update: Updated Gen Ed Consultations F'18 & Jan 2019
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Provides a calendar of the meetings that representatives of the General Education Review Committee made with various groups on campus during the Fall 2018 semester and January 2019 to give updates and gather feedback.
15 Update: GERC Notes from Campus Consultation Visits through 1-25-19
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The notes of meetings with various campus constituencies and the General Education Re-envisioning Committee in Fall 2018 and early Spring 2019.
16 Update: Updated draft mission statement, Feb 1, 2019
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The February 1, 2019 draft mission statement for the general education program.
17 Update: Updated draft learning areas and outcomes, Feb 1, 2019
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The February 1, 2019 draft of the learning areas and outcomes.
18 Update: Survey feedback 2-8-19 on drafts of mission statement and learning outcomes
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The feedback on the survey on the drafts of the mission statement and learning outcomes from February 2019.
19 Update: Mission Statement for Senate Consideration Feb 2-22-19
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The draft of the General Education mission statement presented to the University Faculty Senate February 22, 2019.
20 Update: Learning Outcomes for Senate Consideration Feb 2-22-19
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The draft learning areas and outcomes presented to the University Faculty Senate on February 22, 2019.
21 Update: Gen Ed Mission Statement and Learning Outcomes Approved by Faculty Senate on March 11
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The mission statement for the general education program approved by the University Faculty Senate on March 11, 2019.
22 Update: Survey Email Sent to Campus on May 1, 2019
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A request for faculty to fill out a survey on the structural elements for organizing the general education curriculum sent on May 1, 2019.
23 Update: Online Survey on Structure Elements of Gen Ed Sent to Campus on May 1, 2019
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The survey instrument on the structural elements of the general education program sent on May 1, 2019.
24 Update: Structural Elements Results from online survey to campus
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The results of the survey on the structural elements for the general education program that was sent out May 1, 2019.
25 Update: Email for the drafted revised liberal arts core model, September 2019
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email that introduces the draft structure of the revised liberal arts core (or general education program) sent in September 2019.
26 Update: Draft Gen Ed Structure Proposal, September 2019
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A document illustrating the September 2019 general education structure.
27 Update: Approved General Education Learning Outcomes Approved by Faculty Senate, March 2019
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The learning outcomes for the general education program approved by the University Faculty Senate in March 2019.
28 Update: Email on Feedback Sessions
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email inviting faculty members to attend feedback sessions on the draft structure of the general education program on October 7, 8, and 9, 2019.
29 Update: Email on Feedback Sessions Updated
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email inviting faculty members to attend feedback sessions on the draft structure of the general education program on October 8 and 9, 2019.
30 Update: Overall Feedback Report
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A memo from the General Education Re-envisioning Committee thanking the faculty for their feedback, a brief summary of the feedback received, and a preview of the next steps in the process.
31 Update: Revised General Education Structure Proposal
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A graphic of the general education structure proposal of February 2020.
32 Update: Revised General Education Model Explained
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email requesting that faculty fill out a survey on the General Education proposed structure of February 2020. The email includes an explanation of the proposal and the tiers in the structure.
33 Update: Full Final Structure Survey Results, February 28, 2020
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The survey results on the February 2020 proposal of the General Education Program.
34 Update: Gen Ed Structure Proposal for Faculty Senate, March 6, 2020
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A graphic of the general education structure proposal of March 2020.
35 Update: Responses on Creativity Structure from Faculty
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The survey responses to the section concerning the creativity outcomes conducted in early 2020.
36 Update: Updated Numbered Learning Areas & Outcomes
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The updated student learning areas and outcomes of the general education program approved by the University Faculty Senate in April 2020.
37 Update: Updated Numbered Learning Outcomes (short)
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A shorter version of the student learning outcomes of the general education program approved by the University Faculty Senate in April 2020.
38 Update: Senate approved (April 10, 2020) General Education Structure
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A graphic of the final general education structure proposal approved by the University Faculty Senate in April 2020.
39 Update: Phase 2 Senate Charge and Approved Committee Membership
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A draft of the charge for the second phase of the General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
40 Update: Draft Course Guidelines presented to Senate 11-9-20
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A draft of guidelines for course proposals to be considered for addition to the new general education program. The guidelines include what student learning outcomes should be covered by the course for every category.
41 Update: Draft Outline for Course Applications presented to Senate 11-9-20
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The November 2020 draft of the application form for courses and certificates to apply to be part of the general education program.
42 Update: F20 Survey Results on Draft Guidelines
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The report on the campus survey to get feedback on the category descriptions of the general education program done in Fall 2020.
43 Update: Final Senate Approved GER Course and Certificate Guidelines
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The guidelines for course proposals to be submitted for consideration for the general education program approved by the University Faculty Senate in February 2021.
44 Update: Email - General Education Re-envisioning Update
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email to the faculty announcing that the first official call for general education course proposals would go out the week of March 29, 2021. Included in the email were links to help faculty with the process.
45 Update: Email - Call for Courses in New Gen Ed Program 3-25-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email invitation for faculty to propose courses to be considered for inclusion in the new general education program.
46 Update: Course Application Packet 3-25-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The course proposal packet that was sent to faculty for courses to be considered for the general education program in March 2021.
47 Update: New Gen Ed Course Proposal FORM
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The proposal form for courses to be considered for the general education program.
48 Update: Email - First Call for Gen Ed Certificate Proposals 4-6-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The first call for proposals for multidisciplinary certificates to be considered for inclusion into the general education program for Fall 2022.
49 Update: Final Spr21 Certificate Application GERC
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The proposal packet for submitting multi-disciplinary certificates for consideration for inclusion in the general education program.
50 Update: Multidisciplinary Certificates in UNI's Gen Ed Program
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A spreadsheet of proposed multidisciplinary certificates submitted through April 12, 2021.
51 Update: GERC: Faculty Summer Institute Opportunities 4-15-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An announcement of faculty professional development at a course development institute and a certificate development institute during summer of 2021.
52 Update: GERC Summer 2021 Institute Applications
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
Applications for faculty to attend the course development institute or the certificate development institute during the summer of 2021.
53 Update: Email - Webinar Signups, Director of General Education 5-6-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email invitation for faculty to attend the open forums for the candidates for the Director of General Education held on May 7, 2021.
54 Update: Email - Second Call for GERC Proposals 8-27-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email announcing a second call for proposals for courses and certificates to be considered for inclusion in the general education program sent in August 2021.
55 Update: Second Round GERC Course Proposal Application
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The packet of materials to make course proposals in the second call for applications.
56 Update: Second Round GERC Certificate Proposal Application
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The packet of materials for proposals for multi-disciplinary certificates in the second call for proposals in August of 2021.
57 Update: Email - POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Co-Coordinators of UNI Foundational Inquiry (UNIFI) 10-13-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The position announcement for two Co-Coordinators for the general education program sent out in October 2021.
58 Update: Email - UNIFI Co-Coordinator Search Update 11-17-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An announcement of the open forum for a candidate for the position of Co-Coordinator of Curriculum on December 1, 2021.
59 Update: Email - Presentation for UNIFI Curriculum Co-Coordinator Candidate, Dr. Jeremy Schraffenberger 11-30-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An invitation to the open forum of the candidate for the Curriculum Co-Coordinator candidate, including the Zoom meeting links to the session.
60 Update: Email - Faculty Winter Break Certificate Institute – January 2022
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email announcing the winter break certificate institute held in January 2022 for faculty wanting to develop or revise a multidisciplinary certificate proposal for the general education program.
61 Update: January 2022 Certificate Application
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The application packet for faculty wanting to attend the winter break certificate development institute held in January 2022.
62 Update: Email - List of approved UNIFI courses for Fall 2022 12-10-21
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An email announcing the courses approved for inclusion in the general education program in Fall 2022. The approved courses were in an attachment to the original email.
63 Update: Fall 2022 UNIFI Courses
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The list of courses approved for the general education program for Fall 2022.
64 Update: Fall 2022 UNIFI courses by Learning Area
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A graphic showing the distribution of approved courses in the learning areas of the general education program for Fall 2022.
65 Update: Email - Third Call for Course and Certificate Proposals 1-28-22
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
A call for course and certificate proposals for inclusion into the general education program beginning in Fall of 2023.
66 Update: Third Round UNIFI Course Application
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The packet for the third call for proposals for courses to be considered for inclusion into the general education program for Fall of 2023.
67 Update: Third Round UNIFI Certificate Application
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The packet for the third call for proposals for multidisciplinary certificates for the general education program for Fall 2023.
68 Update: Email - POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assessment Co-Coordinator of UNI Foundational Inquiry (UNIFI) 2-25-22
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The position announcement for the assessment co-coordinator for the general education program posted February 2022.
69 Update: Email - UNIFI Assessment Update 4-8-22
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An announcement of the presentation by a candidate for the Assessment Coordinator of the general education program. Also includes information that the draft rubrics for assessment are being developed.
70 Update: Email - UNIFIed Academy: Faculty Professional Development Opportunity 4-22-22
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An announcement for the UNIFIed Academy in May 2022 that will assist in defining, implementing, and disseminating pedagogies for the general education program.
71 Update: Email - UNIFI Assessment Rubrics 5-17-22
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
An announcement sharing the draft rubrics for assessment of the general education program and how they will be used the first year of the program.
72 Update: UNI Foundational Inquiry Assessment Rubrics
University of Northern Iowa. General Education Re-envisioning Committee.
The draft rubrics for assessing all 12 learning outcomes for the general education program for Fall 2022.