Faculty Publications


ERIC Document - ED327520 found in the ERIC Database

Document Type



Administrator Role; College School Cooperation; Cooperating Teachers; Education Service Centers; Elementary Secondary Education; Field Experience Programs; Higher Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Regional Programs; School Districts


The University of Northern Iowa (UNI) has established the Regional Partnership Program; consisting of nine regional centers located across the state; so that UNI may be geographically in touch with all areas of the state. All of the centers have a common structure: the administrator of each center is a tenure track UNI professor; all centers have implemented a full semester student teaching curriculum; and all center partnerships have established an advisory cadre of local education practitioners. The program has seven major characteristics: (1) use of a regional network allows expanded student teaching experiences under a centralized administration; (2) in each regional district at least one professor has overall responsibility for achieving goals; (3) in each center a clinical supervisor is under contract to the university and directly responsible to the professor in charge; (4) at least five teachers per center belong to a cadre which works closely with the professor and clinical supervisor; (5) in each region classroom teachers are trained to serve as cooperating teachers on a term-by-term basis; (6) a special relationship has been established between school district and university; and (7) a telecommunications network has been installed. To achieve greater depth in field experience programs; each regional center has established a working structure that best fits the school districts involved in the partnership. (JD)


Student Field Experience

Original Publication Date


Object Description

1 PDF file (11 pages)


UNI ScholarWorks, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa


©1991 Richard Stahlhut and Richard Hawkes



File Format

