"Female athletes' perceptions towards alcohol and performance: a psycho" by Stephanie Dalmacio

Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Women tennis players--Alcohol use; Women tennis players--Attitudes; Women athletes--Alcohol use; Women athletes--Attitudes;


Alcohol consumption amongst athletes has been a frequently debated topic with common beliefs being mostly negative. This study aimed to investigate former and active female athletes’ perceptions toward alcohol consumption prior to competition. The design used for this study was exploratory-descriptive in nature. A questionnaire was administered to 111 female athletes from 17 different countries. Since the majority of the respondents were tennis players (n = 85), results were presented for this more homogenous group. The questionnaire was comprised of 10 questions that examined demographics, perceptions regarding whether alcohol was more likely to help or hurt performance, and alcohol consumption. Results indicated that athletes generally perceived that alcohol consumption was harmful and would negatively affect performance. These views were typically in agreement with coaches and parents but tended to change depending on geographic location. Even though perceptions about drinking were mostly negative, many athletes also indicated that moderate alcohol consumption could possibly help them relax, feel more confident, and cheerful before performing.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services


Division of Kinesiology and Physical Education

First Advisor

Mickey Mack, Chair

Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (vi, 45 pages)



File Format

