Dissertations and Theses @ UNI
Open Access Thesis
Science--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Iowa; Science teachers--Iowa; Science teachers--Training of--Iowa; Science--Study and teaching (Elementary); Science teachers; Science teachers--Training of; Iowa;
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of four 5th grade teachers and their perceptions of the influences on how and why they taught science in their classrooms. The four participating teachers who were from three school districts in Iowa were observed teaching science lessons and interviewed following the observations. The results of the study showed that the data obtained during the observations and interviews focused on three major themes. The first theme centered on the teachers' perceptions of changes in teaching elementary science. These included a move away from text-based learning with a subsequent move towards activity-based learning. This influenced a switch to more cooperative groupings and team teaching. The types of assessments used by the teachers, in some cases, also changed from traditional multiple choice, true/false type tests to more authentic assessments such as performance based assessments and scoring rubrics. The second theme dealt with teachers' comfort level teaching science in regards to both background preparation/perceived content knowledge and preferred/chosen teaching strategies. Changes in teaching strategies were dependent on the content background of the teachers and the implementation of district guidelines or benchmarks and standards. The comfort levels of the teachers were sometimes due to circumstances out of the teachers' control, such as district requirements and ease of presentation. The third theme included influences on science teaching. These included issues such as mandated district curriculum, district development of benchmarks and standards, availability of materials, and not enough time in relation to the extensive nature of the curriculum. The four teachers in this study generally taught science as a more activity-oriented process, rather than a didactic text-based exercise. They all felt science was a crucial and important part of their students' education and demonstrated this in the time and attention they gave to the subject.
Year of Submission
Degree Name
Master of Arts
First Advisor
Daryl D. Smith
Second Advisor
Cherin A. Lee
Third Advisor
David V. McCalley
Date Original
Object Description
1 PDF file (109 leaves)
©1998 Ana K. Houseal
File Format
Recommended Citation
Houseal, Ana K., "A Case Study of Four Fifth Grade Teachers and Their Perceptions of How and Why They Teach Science" (1998). Dissertations and Theses @ UNI. 2135.
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