Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Bao, Li-Ying--Exhibitions; Slides (Photography); Exhibition catalogs; Photographs; Academic theses;


To pursue the combination of Eastern and Western aesthetics in visual communication, I came to study in the United States from China. As a graphic designer, the juxtaposition of my Chinese and American education and working experiences enable me to perceive and approach design works cross-culturally. My thesis is the continuous exploration of the affinity between Eastern and Western design elements in visual communication. In my design works, my intention is to combine the traditional Eastern design methodology, modern Western technology, and contemporary design theories to such an extent that these design elements could enrich each other and produce unique visual impacts. Because of the different historical processes in the developments of civilization in Eastern and Western societies, there are significant similarities and differences in aesthetic theories and applications in visual communication between the East and the West. My experiments mainly focus on fusing the two diverse design methodologies into a harmonious unity. The rich and diverse design theories and elements developed from both the East and the West are numerous. In my works, I decided to combine the basic aspects of the diverse design methodologies as the essential approach of my research. For instance, both Eastern and Western design theories emphasize the balance and unity of rationality and subconsciousness in the creativity of art. However, there are some different design elements which differentiate the concrete processes and effects between Eastern and Western art and design. For example, Eastern art emphasizes implicit, poetic, and lingering qualities. The essence of calligraphy and literary implication are significant in the entire design idea and composition. In contrast, the modem Western designs, especially represented by Bauhaus design experiment and Constructivism, pursue the industrial and scientific features. The application of mathematical proportion and musical rhythm is highly significant in the organization of visual forms.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Art

First Advisor

Roy R. Behrens

Second Advisor

Deborah Slotzky

Third Advisor

Crit Streed


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