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Open Access Thesis


Multiplication--Study and teaching;


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the results of using cadet teaching as a method of improving the multiplication proficiency of fourth grade students from Price Laboratory School and seventh grade students from Holmes Junior High who have difficulty with multiplication. A multiplication test designed by the investigator was administered to sixty fourth grade students and forty-four seventh grade students. As a result of this test, sixteen fourth grade students and sixteen seventh grade students were identified as having difficulty with multiplication. Eight of the fourth grade students and eight of the seventh grade students were identified as the two experimental groups. The seventh grade students in this group tutored the students of the fourth grade experimental group three times a week for six weeks. These tutoring sessions were thirty minutes in length. In addition to tutoring the fourth grade students, the seventh grade experimental group met three times a week with the seventh grade control group. These thirty minute sessions were conducted throughout the study and were used to follow a multiplication sequence designed by the investigator. At the conclusion of the six-week study, the multiplication test was again administered to each group. The scores and information obtained through these procedures produced the data necessary to formulate conclusions for the six hypotheses being tested.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Department of Mathematics

First Advisor

Margaret Hervey

Second Advisor

E. W. Hamilton

Third Advisor

Max Hosier


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1 PDF file (145 leaves)



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Mathematics Commons
