Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Physical education teachers--Training of--Iowa--Cedar Falls; Physical education teachers--Iowa--Attitudes; Physical education for children with disabilities; Physical education teachers--Attitudes; Physical education teachers--Training of; Iowa; Iowa--Cedar Falls; Academic theses;


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between pre-service teachers' value orientation in making curriculum decisions and their attitudes toward teaching students with disabilities. Results of this study will provide suggestions for current teacher education curricula and help pre-service teachers meet the demands in inclusive settings. Participants in this study included 49 volunteer junior and senior students at the University of Northern Iowa majoring in Physical Education (Teaching). Data collection in this study was achieved through a questionnaire that included the Value Orientation Inventory (VOi-SF) and the Physical Educators' Attitudes toward Individuals with Disabilities III (PEATID-III). The VOi-SF was used to determine pre-service teachers' educational beliefs and the PEATID-III was used to indicate teachers' attitudes. The chi-square statistic was used to examine the relationship between teachers' beliefs and attitudes. Analysis of the data indicated that there were no significant relationships between teachers' value orientations and their attitudes. However, a significant correlation was reported between teachers' ecological integration orientation and attitudes. It was concluded that teachers' conceptual understanding of knowledge and hands-on experiences have influenced their beliefs and attitudes.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Larry Hensley

Second Advisor

Sue Joslyn

Third Advisor

Windee Weiss


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Date Original


Object Description

1 PDF file (105 leaves)



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