Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


University of Northern Iowa--Students--Recreation; University of Northern Iowa; College students--Recreation--Iowa--Cedar Falls; College students--Recreation; Students--Recreation; Iowa--Cedar Falls; Academic theses;


The purpose of this study was to assess stage transitions, processes of change, self-efficacy, decisional balance, and behavioral intention measures of exercise among college students enrolled in a conceptual-based university wellness class. A sub-problem of the study was to utilize the Transtheoretical Model as a basis for comparing two approaches of sequencing course content. Results are based on responses to a questionnaire completed by 164 students enrolled in the Personal Wellness course ( 440:010 sections 02 and 06) and the Human Identity and Relationships course (310:053 sections 02 and 05) during the Spring 2002 semester. The 46-item, self-report questionnaire was designed to assess physical activity behaviors and beliefs. Participants provided demographic data and information regarding stage of change, process of change, self-efficacy, decisional balance, and behavioral intention. This study found that, overall, the experimental group maintained a higher proportion of students in the maintenance stage of exercise then the Control Group, yet, had little to no impact on the processes of change, self-efficacy, or decisional balance. However, the experimental group had a significant increase in behavioral intention. It was also found that there were no differences in the two approaches of sequencing of the conceptual-based university wellness class.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Larry Hensley

Second Advisor

Thomas Davis

Third Advisor

Dennis Cryer


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Date Original


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1 PDF file (77 leaves)



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