Dissertations and Theses @ UNI


Open Access Thesis


Juvenile delinquents--Iowa; Juvenile delinquents--Rehabilitation--Iowa; Social work with juvenile delinquents--Iowa; Juvenile delinquents; Juvenile delinquents--Rehabilitation; Social work with juvenile delinquents; Iowa;


The purpose of this study was to identify the specific areas of focus in juvenile delinquent treatment programs in Iowa. Also, this study identified the characteristics of the directors of these programs and profiled the youth currently in treatment. The design of the study was a non-experimental descriptive study. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to 69 program directors randomly selected from youth treatment programs in Iowa. Forty-one questionnaires were returned providing a 59% response rate. Twenty-seven (65.8%) of the responding directors were female and 97.5% were Caucasian. The mean age of all responding directors (n = 41) was 39.71. Thirty directors (73.1%) have post graduate educations with a Master's degree in social work or counseling and the majority (70.7%; n = 29) earn over $30,000 per year. Treatment focus was determined by directors' ranking the five most heavily emphasized areas of treatment from a listing of 19 areas. The three highest ratings were social skill development, family issues, and problem solving skills. The majority (95.1%; n = 39) of the respondents indicated that the majority of youth in their treatment programs are Caucasian. Thirty-five respondents stated 25% or less of youth in their agencies are 12-13 years olds. The majority of the youth in the responding agencies (41.4%; n = 17) are classified as C.I.N.A., while 56% of the agencies stated there are more than 19 youth in their programs. The results of this study suggest a profile of youth currently in treatment programs and profiled the directors of these treatment programs. Also, this research has helped identify specific areas of focus in juvenile treatment programs in the state of Iowa.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Thomas M. Davis

Second Advisor

Sue Joslyn

Third Advisor

Mary Franken


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Date Original


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1 PDF file (57 leaves)



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