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Open Access Thesis




The purpose of this study was to examine the implementation of patient education in phases I and II of cardiac rehabilitation so that an overview of its current status in cardiac rehabilitation programs could be determined. One hundred four phase I and II cardiac rehabilitation program directors from the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin were selected for participation in the study. A questionnaire containing items addressing both general program information and the specifics of the patient education programs was sent to the program directors. Seventy-five of the questionnaires were returned, seventy-one of which were viable for data analysis. Item analysis determining the frequency of response and the percentage of the frequency of response was performed. Patient education was found to be occurring in the majority of phase I and II programs and the content of the patient education programs concurred with that found in the literature. The current status of patient education was therefore shown to be in satisfactory condition in the cardiac rehabilitation programs surveyed.

Year of Submission


Degree Name

Master of Arts


School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services

First Advisor

Forrest Dolgener

Second Advisor

Jane E. Richards

Third Advisor

Kay Covington


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1 PDF file (73 leaves)



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